Hanna Liubakova Profile picture
Journalist from Belarus. Non-resident fellow @AtlanticCouncil. @OneYoungWorld Journalist of the Year. Formerly @RFERL, @Belsat_TV. 2019 @worldpressinst fellow.

May 23, 2021, 9 tweets

#Belarus The Ryanair plane from Athens was about to board in Vilnius but it has changed the route and flew to #Minsk. It looks very suspicious. If this was the demand of the Belarusian regime to land in Minsk, then it should draw the attention of the international community

#Belarus Special equipment arrived at the Minsk airport. According to unofficial information, there were reports of a bomb on board. I recommend following this closely.

Sappers are now working at the National Airport. Passengers are being re-screened.

We can now confirm that blogger and former editor of the Telegram channel @nexta_tv Roman Protasevich might have been detained in Minsk. He was on the plane that had to land in Minsk. Roman was added to the list of terrorists by the KGB. #Lukashenko's regime hijacked the plane

#Lukashenko behaves like a mafia boss and terrorist & has to be treated accordingly.Most probably his agents reported a bomb on a plane and forced the plane to land in #Minsk.Terrorism could qualify for the death penalty in #Belarus. The country's airspace isn't safe for anyone

#Lukashenko personally gave the command to receive the Ryanair plane in #Minsk,reports the Telegram channel close to his spokesperson.@ICAO should investigate this case, and sanctions should be imposed on the regime. A week ago,Tsikhanouskaya was flying from Greece to Vilnius,too

I want you to pay attention to this. The same Telegram channel reports that the MiG-29 fighter was raised to accompany the Ryanair plane.This was clearly a special operation ordered by #Lukashenko to arrest the journalist and blogger. I hope @Ryanair could reveal more information

Insights from #Minsk: ambulance and emergency cars arrived immediately - apparently on the personal order of the ministry. They did not arrive at the airport signal. This is no longer merely an internal struggle with the opposition. #Lukashenko is a threat to security in Europe

*was about to LAND, obviously

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