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May 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Sasha Johnson, a British #BLM leader (center), was critically injured in a shooting in London. She's currently hospitalized w/life-threatening injuries. The shooting is sending shockwaves through UK, where shootings are rare. Police are appealing for info:…

#BLM leader Sasha Johnson is in hospital with life-threatening injuries after being shot in London. She rose in prominence last year for her advocacy of the creation of an armed black militia, the abolishment of police & the overthrowing of capitalism.

“I promise you, I don’t threaten. Come out there-let’s live through the promise”

BLM leader Sasha Johnson was controversial not just for her political activism, but for her confrontations with others as well. The woman was severely injured in a shooting.

Breaking: Police say there is no evidence currently to suggest BLM leader Sasha Johnson was the victim of a targeted shooting. They say she also didn’t receive credible threats prior to incident. Activists have implied without evidence she was shot for her militant activism.

A speaker at the official vigil for #SashaJohnson, the militant #BLM leader who was shot in London, seems to imply it was an intraracial shooting: "In every community there are good eggs & bad eggs & we have to make sure those bad eggs are held accountable for their actions."

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