J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

May 24, 2021, 32 tweets

"Webinar Registration - Zoom": us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Well I do hope Donna brings her well documented facts cause I sure will , :)

Facts: 56719032-Legislative-Assembly-of-Assiniboia-History.- As Metis is a name of honor for people who choose to identify with this aspect of their heritage- serve as a universal term for past people of mixed Indigenous and non-North American heritage.

Facts: MÉTIS LAW IN CANADA- by Jean Teillet - 1932 is when the L'Association des Metis d'Alberta et des Territoires des Nord Ouest passed a resolution that dropped the term - half breed.

Facts: The one-and-a-half men- the story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis patriots of the twentieth century-Dobbin, Murray-1981- brady couched the executive to use Metis Classification during the hearings.

Facts: The People Who Own Themselves - Recognition of Metis Identity in Canada - Senate - YC28-0-411-12 - David Chartrand - families will eventually reclaim their Metis identity , as generations lose their status under the Indian Act over time.

Facts: Statement from David Chartrand on The Report of Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal People - including those who by their own admission base their identity on partial Aboriginal ancestry rather than historic Métis descent.

Facts: Senate - David Chartrand - 23 issue - Where did the word Metis come from - French word for mixed.

Facts: Reconstituted debates of the convention of Forty-LaGrande Convention 1870-Louis Riel-Mr Ross as a Half-breed of this country, I am naturally very anxious to get all rights that properly belong to the Half-breeds.

Facts: MÉTIS LAW IN CANADA- by Jean Teillet - The Metis were previously known as -half breeds- in legislation until 1982.

Facts - Metis terminology is at the preference of the Metis National Council.

Facts: MNS is a voluntary body, self-identified people and self-proscribed nation with no legal authority over anyone other than the people who have joined their non profit association and are bound by THEIR bylaws. They have no legislative authority over ANYONE else.

Facts: An important announcement from Clem Chartier! facebook.com/metis.national…

Facts: Canada has 2 recognized national associations that represent Metis people with 2 very different definitions. Both have an accord with the Canadian gov and a mandate.

Facts: Mal i Mic News Nov 1975 -NCC- First World Indigenous Peoples Conference-aboriginal title must be recognized as a binding international law-eliminate artificial definitions- Half-Breed. etc. (known as Metis and Indian)

Facts: "Chartier and Milen attend meetings in Geneva - AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 1983 - New Breed" World Council of Indigenous People told MNC they needed to use a different word than Metis in their legal name. It was already in use.

Facts: The Other natives - the-les Metis- Publisher - Winnipeg-Manitoba Metis Federation Press- 1978 #Metis History-Metis people are unique in that they can choose to identify in any possible way. (Still Metis people)

Facts: The History of the Manitoba Metis Federation - Tony Lussier writing in 1978 states - Today a Metis is defined by the MMF as : One didn't even need to be mixed or Indigenous, one could be married to or be a child of, with full membership and voting priviledges.

Facts: The Other natives - the-les Metis- Publisher - Winnipeg-Manitoba Metis Federation Press- 1978 #Metis History-Half-breed Scrip- A half-breed was apparently any person who could claim to have any ancestor of white blood.

Facts: Land Grants Under the Manitoba Act - MHS Transactions, Series 3, Number 9, 1952-53 season - racial extraction and land squatting-settlers.

Facts: We are Metis - the ethnography of a halfbreed community in northern Alberta-by Driben, Paul-1985- If a man marries or enters into a common law relationship with a non-metis women she can live on a colony so long as the man is a registered Metis.

"Documents and articles about Me´tis people-1972- Saskatoon, Sask-Basis for some of the information used in the book The non-people, by Dave McKay- Membership in MNS - wives and children of those of Metis Extraction." Didn't need to be Indigenous to be Metis.

Facts: RCAP 614 - The Pacific Metis Federation - the three definitional elements are ancestry, self-identification and community acceptance. metismuseum.ca/resource.php/0…

Facts: Appendix 5D: Proposed Métis Nation Accord. - The Pacific Metis Federation, The Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association. Go back and read the definitions of the Pacific Metis Federation.

Facts: metisnation.org/wp-content/upl… - The use of the term Metis - Constitution Act of 1982 does not provide any definition of Metis.

CAP and MNC are both nationally recognized organizations who represent Metis people, both have different definitions of what it means to be Metis.

Facts: RCAP 432 - Metis Circle Special Consultation - Ottawa - Harry Daniels was very specific in saying that Metis was meant for the purposes of 35 - Clearly meant and clearly stated to the Parliamentary Committee of the day. "and other persons of mixed blood ancestry"

Facts: letter from Harry Daniels to Kirby Lethbridge. Explaining who he meant to be repatriated into the 1982 constitution as Metis citizens.

Facts: A History of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia-Norma Hall PHD, Clifford P Hall and Erin Verrier. Census conducted in 1870 at Red River-individuals who were descended HOWEVER REMOTELY either by father or mother from ANY ancestor belonging to any one of the tribes...

I sure hope this talk is heavy on "Facts" and not just "Opinions"

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