Sally Kift Profile picture
PFHEA Professor of Law All about the quality of the student experience. Keen on Transition Pedagogy.

May 26, 2021, 15 tweets

Now #CMMNeededNow
#OnlineLearning for the Future
With our Futurists/Fab Expert Panel๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
@UniversitySA @gsiemens
@Deakin @partridh
@victoriauninews @Chris__Walsh
@curio_group @matthewriddle
Let's go!

@Deakin @partridh
3 things
-Student as person
-Blended/ Integrated learning
"Student in life of uni vs uni in life of student"
-Sense of belonging & connectedness
[Relationship rich edu is the future -Thx @pfeltenNC]

@UniversitySA @gsiemens
"MOOC pioneer in 2008" "HE Royality"
Learning Analytics & AI
Are at early stages of change
L&T is now global competitive & corporate ecosystem
What does HE edu do for future society
"Everyone will be dumbest person on team cos AI wins"

@UniversitySA @gsiemens
Preparing for AI is a now activity - eg learner profiles
Real gains still to be made in Assessment

@victoriauninews @Chris__Walsh PG Online
Good teaching
Early personal contact
Real sense of learners' profiles: eg wanted job or job change; time poor
Assessment w self-determination
Wrap around 24/7 personalised support
Focus on design elements
"Clean palette" ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

@curio_group @matthewriddle talking
Learning RELATIONSHIP management rather than leanring MANAGEMeNT systems
Looking for efficiencies
"Steady as she goes is the most risky option"
Ss what more flexibility & support #Hyflex
Customer Exp #CX
Online not cheaper!

Value of online: students' perception should be cheaper
@gsiemens Haven't got efficiency gains; high touch is costly; but think in term of networks & less in institutional silos, then can bring cost down
@Chris__Walsh Cost of LMS & 100% accessibility #EquityMatters

@Chris__Walsh Asked who controls the message when there is an online facilitator?
Ans: listen to what Ss need help & support with

@gsiemens students missed on-campus more than expected
Awareness of online space & role in online learning is v nuanced for individual lived exps
"Tech complexifies things"
@matthewriddle Flexibility key; wary of a 'snap-back'
@Chris__Walsh Listen to S need

Now: online sense of belonging & connectedness
@partridh Need to know who are Ss are
@gsiemens AI (sadly) will be part of personalisation; "tech creates problems & then more tech answers them"
Loneliness= #MentalHealth & we have this challenge already

@curio_group @matthewriddle
Asked why no HE debate about what return to campus looks like? What about workforce? Casualisation?
-specific skills set for online facilitation that deserves attention ~1:25 SSR
-design for online facilitation; #TeacherPresence

L&T workforce
@victoriauninews @Chris__Walsh
To upscale entire Faculty requires time, funding, commitment
@partridh @Deakin has Teaching Capability Framework for all staff (acad & professional)
@ProfBevOliver If a teacher can be replaced by a computer they should be

Whither Textbooks, content...
-Discipline/ domain specific
OZ has more equality in sector, but where unis have more $$$ poss more human touch, less $$$ more online
-"curr [content?] is least valuable of uni exp"
- build individualistic critical capability

Unbundling is a given but what will rebundling look like?
@Chris__Walsh certain things you have be unbundled because others can do it much better
But - transparency key
@matthewriddle what do you hang onto

Need to give a shoutout to fabulous wrap-around 24/7 support from @victoriauninews on the session webpage
All you need to know in 1:56m!!
It's an artform๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

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