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May 26, 2021, 8 tweets

'Please save him!': Anguish of jailed Belarus journalist's parents.

From their new home in Poland, the parents of Roman Protasevich have been in anguish since his Ryanair flight was forced to land in Belarus, leading to his arrest

#BREAKING Lukashenko says 'attacks' on Belarus have crossed 'red lines'

#BREAKING Lukashenko says acted 'lawfully, to protect people' in plane diversion

#UPDATE A defiant President Alexander Lukashenko has defended Belarus's diversion of a European flight and arrest of a dissident on board, lashing out at critics at home and abroad

VIDEO: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says that "attacks" on the country have crossed "red lines" after the diversion of a Ryanair flight over Belarusian airspace sparked a global outcry

#BREAKING Kremlin says no reason to disbelieve Lukashenko airline narrative

#UPDATE The Kremlin said there was no reason to doubt statements made by Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, who has defended his decision to intercept a Ryanair flight and arrest an opposition activist onboard

📸 The Ryanair aircraft that was grounded in Minsk

#UPDATE The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has urged airlines to avoid #Belarus airspace -- with some safety-related exceptions -- following the country's interception on Sunday of a Ryanair jet bound for Lithuania and forced to land in Minsk

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