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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

May 26, 2021, 6 tweets

For the anniversary death of George Floyd, hundreds of #antifa rioted in Portland. They tried to burn down the Justice Center & assaulted responding police w/frozen bottles & metal spikes. They then smashed up City Hall & broke into downtown businesses.…

Emery Rose Hall, FKA Gordon Hall, 30, was charged w/criminal mischief & escape at violent Portland #antifa riot. The transsexual former @BitPay lead developer is from a well-to-do family in Roswell, Ga. & works as engineering manager w/weed company @eaze.

Elizabeth Sue Hall, 30, a relative of fellow riot arrestee Emery Rose Hall, was charged with criminal mischief at the violent Portland #antifa riot. She was quickly released without bail.

Rhiannon Millar-Griffin, 23, was arrested again at the Portland #antifa riot. She's charged with two felonies & was released without bail. Her relative, Cameron Millar-Griffin, was recently indicted over the vandalism of a Christian church at another riot.

Jacob Myers, 22, was charged with felony criminal mischief at the violent Portland #antifa riot where the black bloc started fires, attacked police with frozen bottles & metal spikes, & smashed up businesses in downtown.

Jarrid Bailey Huber, 21, a self-described journalist, was arrested at the Portland #antifa riot. He's charged with 7 felonies. I reported previously about his ties to the antifa Ted Wheeler death threat video that caught attention of FBI. #AntifaMugshots

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