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May 26, 2021, 12 tweets

SCOOP: @LockheedMartin, the nation’s largest defense contractor, sent key executives to a three-day white male reeducation camp in order to deconstruct their “white male culture” and atone for their “white male privilege.”

I've obtained internal documents that will shock you.🧵

The program was led by the consulting firm White Men As Full Diversity Partners, which specializes in helping white males “awaken together.” The participants included a former three-star general and the vice president of production for the $1.7 trillion F-35 fighter jet program.

To begin, the diversity trainers led a “free association” exercise, asking the Lockheed employees to list connotations for the term “white men.” The trainers wrote down “old, racist, privileged, anti-women, angry, Aryan Nation, KKK, Founding fathers, guns, guilty, can’t jump.”

The trainers then asked “what’s in it for white men,” listing responses: “I won’t get replaced by someone who is a better full diversity partner,” “[I will] improve the brand, image, reputation of white men,” and “I [will] have less nagging sense of guilt that I am the problem.”

White Men As Full Diversity Partners argues that the “roots of white male culture” include traits such as “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” “operating from principles,” and “striving towards success”—which are “devastating” to women and minorities.

Next, participants were asked to repeat and internalize 50 “white privilege statements,” including: “My culture teaches me to minimize the perspectives and powers of people of other races”; “I can commit acts of terrorism, violence or crime and not have it attributed to my race.”

Participants then repeated and internalized 59 “male privilege statements,” including: “My earning potential is 15-33% higher than a woman’s”; “My reproductive organs are not seen as the property of other men, the government, and/or even strangers because of my gender.”

Next, participants repeated and internalized 59 “heterosexual privilege statements,” including: “I am not asked to think about why I am straight”; “I can have friendships with or work around children without being accused of recruiting or molesting them.”

Finally, the white males read a series of “I’m tired” statements from fictitious racial minorities and women, including: “I’m tired of being Black”; “I’m tired of Black boys/girls being murdered”; “I’m tired of ... the concept that we should be ‘colorblind.’”

This is pure neoracism from a company that receives billions of taxpayer dollars every year.

I call on the United States Senate to launch an immediate inquiry into the racist practices at @LockheedMartin. We must shut this down before it endangers our national security.

Here is the fully story, exclusively in City Journal. I will be on Tucker Carlson tonight at 8pm EST to offer further commentary.…

P.S. I am fighting against critical race theory through investigative reporting, policy advocacy, and legal warfare. If you want to support this work, you can make a $5 or $10 monthly contribution here:

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