David Burge Profile picture
Karma's janitor

May 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Soft serve is the best ice cream, fight me

I say this as someone who hand makes ice cream every Thanksgiving & Christmas season. When the temperature is above 80F though, nothing beats DQ

And this is the unrivaled hands down best ice cream parlor on Planet Earth, end of discussion

Can you stroll into your favorite ice cream parlor and ask for the booth where Al Capone or the Beatles ate? Then STFU

Wilson's in Door County WI (since 1906) is a worthy runner up, and fueled by Wisconsin's mighty cows

Protip: when in Austin try Nau's Enfield Drug, a survivor old timey drug store soda fountain (and RIP Pearson's Drug Store in Iowa City)

Last but not least, the hot roddiest ice cream parlor in America, the iconic Nite Owl. Since 1948. 830 E. Layton Avenue, Milwaukee Wisconsin, my bosom hot rod buddy @ropekechris proprietor. Tell 'em Dave sent you

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