And this is the unrivaled hands down best ice cream parlor on Planet Earth, end of discussion
Can you stroll into your favorite ice cream parlor and ask for the booth where Al Capone or the Beatles ate? Then STFU
Wilson's in Door County WI (since 1906) is a worthy runner up, and fueled by Wisconsin's mighty cows
Protip: when in Austin try Nau's Enfield Drug, a survivor old timey drug store soda fountain (and RIP Pearson's Drug Store in Iowa City)
Last but not least, the hot roddiest ice cream parlor in America, the iconic Nite Owl. Since 1948. 830 E. Layton Avenue, Milwaukee Wisconsin, my bosom hot rod buddy @ropekechris proprietor. Tell 'em Dave sent you
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"We're not allowed to say <thing> in this country."
"But you just said the thing you said you weren't allow to say, on a podcast with a million listeners, and literally nothing happened to you."
"Oh so now I'm not allowed to say that I'm not allowed to say the thing?"
I wish to clarify to all who are confused over this issue: others pointing out that the supposedly forbidden thing you said was 100% factually wrong, and you are obviously mentally ill and/or retarded, does not constitute "censorship"
I can't help notice that the main consequence of claiming that you're saying forbidden things seems to be lifetime university tenure, or an open invitations to promote yourself on Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan
MIT genius: my prototype $50k robo-man does the work of the three hired hands that Kansas farmers use to harvest their wheat fields, according to the Wizard of Oz
Silicon Valley VCs: here's $3 billion
These fucking robo-nerds apparently studied engineering so they could un-invent the wheel
*Bill Ayers (Michigan) disqualified on a technicality. Due to incompetence his bomb only accidentally killed three friends
**John Wayne Gacy attended Northwestern Business College in Oak Lawn IL, which has no affiliation with Northwestern University in Evanston, but I feel he may qualify as a Wildcat in spirit
So I watched 'Pepe Le Moko' (1937) with Jean Gabin and joked to my wife that maybe he was inspiration for Pepe Le Pew, and it turns out that was actually the case and now I don't even know what to think anymore
It's literally the movie where 'Let me take you to zee Casbah' comes from
*I was yesterday years old when I found out the Casbah is the sketchy bordello district of Algiers, to which Pepe Le Moko lures a fancy vacationing Parisienne gal
I’m writing to let you know about a change coming to my opinion posts.
I am going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: stealing pies from window sills and crashing trucks into liquor stores is bad
I am aware that this change in editorial policy will be seen as abrupt and controversial, and may result in anger, mass boycotts, and loss of followers. But it is time to provide a voice to the reported silent majority of those opposed to pie theft and liquor store crashes.
Too often, elite public forums such as my twitter account have coddled readers, isolating them in a cozy pro-pie theft and pro-liquor store crash bubble. Others feel differently. We do ourselves no favor by not engaging with the opposition, no matter how wrong they are.
This is like having $100k of credit card debt, canceling your Netflix subscription, and then celebrating your newfound fiscal restraint by going on a Disney Cruise
Nobody who thinks they deserve this free $5000 from Uncle Sugar has never in their life paid $5000 in federal income tax