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May 27, 2021, 7 tweets

#Music is the gift that keeps on giving. Here are our favorite gifts for #audio enthusiasts and music lovers, from affordable accessories to insane, tube-driven wonders. If you buy something using our links, WIRED may earn a commission. wired.trib.al/cOMFEwh 1/

#Vinyl is back and better than ever. If you’re looking for a great starter turntable, the @Fluance RT81 Turntable is perfect for you. It's belt-driven, with low-noise, and comes loaded with a very nice AT95E elliptical stylus: wired.trib.al/wqEqWN3
📷: Fluance 2/

Headphones can get uncomfortable after a while, but not these. The @Audeze LCD-1 uses planar magnetic technology to create sound. These foldable #headphones have great quality sound and are super comfortable: wired.trib.al/Kqy8uHu
📷: Audeze 3/

If you’re a vinyl listener, upgrade your sound with the @ProJectAudioSysPro Phono Box DC Preamplifier. It pre-amplifies the sound from your favorite records before they hit the stereo amp giving you a more improved sound. wired.trib.al/DZmGUVW
📷: Pro-Ject 4/

Wireless stereo speakers never looked so good. @audioengineusa's amazing-sounding HD6 bookshelf speakers can play streaming audio from a phone, tablet, or favorite turntable: wired.trib.al/d2Q7eRO
📷: Joseph Shin 5/

Not every room is acoustic friendly. So while acoustic panels might seem like the least-sexy accessory in the audio world, they make a big of difference. ATS Acoustic Panels are ideal for taming overly reflective rooms: wired.trib.al/SYQptqP
📷: ATS 6/

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