Mamas A. Mamas Profile picture
Professor of Cardiology @KeeleUniversity. Research: CV Epidemiology. Associate Editor @CircIntv. Senior clinical editor @TCTMD. @BCIS_uk audit lead.

May 28, 2021, 5 tweets

What happened to HF admissions during #COVID in England? our an analysis led by @DrAhmadShoaib ➡️ with @hvanspall @foziaahmedMD @cpgale3 @TheresaMcDonag3 #JohnCleland shows 40%⬇️in HF admissions @GiuseppeGalati_ @DrNasrien @JJheart_doc @ShelleyZieroth

2. This was accompanied by a ⬇️in hospital HF deaths, but ⬆️⬆️ in community and residential home deaths. we estimate 280 excess deaths from heart failure, and an excess of 2,165 heart failure related deaths (HF anywhere on death certificate) @doc_ccc @onco_cardiology @ncurzen

3. Despite restructuring of services during #COVID19, standard of care appears maintained for ps hospitalised with heart failure with similar adjusted in-hospital mortality rates, but higher 30-day mortality rates compared to the Pre-COVID-19 period. @mirvatalasnag @ShrillaB

4. Gaps in post-discharge care due to closure of ambulatory care centres during COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to suboptimal care and increased risk of death following hospitalization @CardioIAN @HeartOTXHeartMD @JJheart_doc @CarlChiefCard @DrSaritaRao2 @DrRajivsankar

5. Final thoughts- COVID has impacted our CV services significantly. the decline in hospital admissions has caused ⬆️ death in community. changes in OP services during COVID has worsened outcomes of long term conditions. A visual asbtract @DrNasrien @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall

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