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TTRPG Photography 📸 Miniature Painting 🎨 5e DM 📜 He/Him *Currently on Hiatus from Twitter, Find me Anywhere Else*

May 28, 2021, 10 tweets

Just in case any new or aspiring DM's follow me, I wanted to make a thread with useful DM tools I use.

If I can get just one person to try DM'ing, then it was all worth it.

First up, Ability Checks. When you should use them and a guide on how to use them #DnD #DMtips #ttrpg

These are the rest of the ability checks you may encounter. #DnD #DMtips

Never ran combat before? Here is your step by step guide to get you started along with the breakdown on what a player can do on a turn. #DnD #DMtips

When running combat I recommend having a few of these printed up so you can keep track of initiative, HP of monsters, along with any conditions the players or NPC's currently have. #DnD #DMtips

This sheet is great and you will get a lot of use out it. There is a breakdown of the individuals conditions along with information on short/long rests and other important aspects regarding travelling. #DnD #DMtips

This is a good tool if you are tracking XP. Even if you are not tracking XP, the random encounter table is a great reference to know how often you should be rolling encounters in various environments. #DnD #DMtips

Weapons and Armor will be plentiful in your world most likely, so here is a breakdown of what things may cost and basic stats for the most common items and services. #DnD #DMtips

Not everyone does voices (especially at first!) but if you decide to dip your toe into the voice arena, here is a random chart that can help when your party starts chatting up every non developed character they meet. #DnD #DMtips

General Advice: The rules are guidelines so you don't need to know them all at first. Improv will end up being your best tool and the only way to get better is to practice!
Don't worry about planning too far ahead, one session at a time until it gets easier. #DnD #DMtips

Finally: The best sessions I have had is when the party went totally off script, so roll with the punches and enjoy yourself. This shouldn't feel like a job or homework, do the things you enjoy and your skill will grow as time goes on. Good luck on the path. #DnD #DMtips

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