Lissa Bauer Profile picture
Endocrinologist. Internist. USN MC. Mom. Lover of books, cooking, live music, dancing and traveling. Views are my own!

May 28, 2021, 22 tweets

Yes looking forward to this lecture on intermittent fasting and does time of day matter. Here are types of intermittent east #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Intermittent fasting definitely shows benefits in animals! #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Here are the possible mechanisms of intermittent fasting #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Alternate day fasting —every other day you east for 24hrs May work but is not sustainable. I will not be using this #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Alternate day modified intermittent fasting (25% caloric intake# one day and 125% following day) maybe better for some secondary measures but not sustainable and conflicting results on if it is better for weight loss #AACE2021 #endotwitter

5:2 diet — 2 days eat a very low diet (25-35%) —results conflicting with half showing benefit and half not showing benefit #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Meta-analysis of intermittent fasting diets not sig for weight loss but benefit in insulin resistance and maybe hdl/trigs #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Never heard of this one—fasting mimicking diet. No comparisons to regular diet but compared to placebo it is beneficial in many parameters in addition to weight incl tumor reduction #AACE2021 #endotwitter

Weekly intermittent fasting —one week very low calorie and one week normal calorie. Original study showing good weight loss but overall not a lot of long term data #endotwitter #AACE2021

Here is the one I rec the most —time restricted intermittent fasting (fasting for 14+hrs daily). Benefits proportional to length of fast and doing it 5 days may be as good as 7 days #Endotwitter #AACE2021

16hr fast may help in multiple parameters of anovulatory pcos #Endotwitter #AACE2021

But eating later is not better and may actually be worse for cardio metabolic health! #Endotwitter #AACE2021

Glycemic control and glucose tolerance is much better in the morning then later in day. This graph shows results of ogtt performed in morning compared to evening #afternoonDiabetes #Endotwitter #AACE2021

A change (weakened or misalignment) to our circadian rhythm can make it harder to lose weight #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

Bottom line - eating at night (aka “out of sync with circadian rhythm”) is bad bad bad #Endotwitter #AACE2021 #obesity

Large breakfast and small dinner is better for weight loss and decreasing hunger #Endotwitter #obesity #AACE2021

Is skipping breakfast bad? Prob not unless u are also eating a late dinner. Bottom line don’t eat late dinner #AACE2021 #Endotwitter #obesity

In dr Peterson study intermittent fasting (time restricted) did not increase energy expenditure but it did increase fat burning and decrease hunger and glu levels #Endotwitter #AACE2021 #obesity

Number of meals per day does not matter for weight loss #obesity #Endotwitter #AACE2021

Eat your veggies and protein first and leave the carbs for last #Endotwitter #AACE2021

Phenomenal talk by Dr. Courtney Peterson on intermittent fasting and does time of day matter. If you missed it I would recommend going back to watch #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

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