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May 28, 2021, 12 tweets

If removing weeds from your garden doesn't provide you clarity about the #repentance process, you're either weeding wrong or repenting wrong. 1/

Thread me. #DezNat

Everyone knows this, but if you don't get out the entire root structure, it's coming back. (This is also a sin commentary). Roots don't want to give up their ground. That's Satan's whole strategy. 2/

Weeding is simpler when the soil is moist/soft (read: humble) as opposed to scorched/hardened (read: prideful). Get your foundation right first. 3/

Kneeling posture gives you the best leverage. Upright and leaning just ruins your back. 4/

The faster you get to it, the smaller the root is and the easier your process is. Pay attention and do laps around the yard. Observation and identification are key. 5/

Some weeds/sins have flowers meant to deceive, but anything that grows easily is ultimately detrimental to the surrounding soil/soul. 6/

Some weeds steal the structure of surrounding plants to shortcut the process. They are even hard to see. Bindweed makes you think it's not really bad, but it'll choke out all that is good around it. 7/

Thistle hurts to take out. Sin is pain, but we don't always know it until we're repenting. That's when we really feel it. It's always better to prevent problems than to remove them. 8/

This verse of Creation is more blessing than curse, IMO. 9/

You can spray weeds, but you still have to pull the roots later. There are no shortcuts in repentance either. 10/

When weeds/sins get big enough, you'll need other tools to help with complete extraction. Keep them nearby. 11/

So get the #debris out of your garden and your life. Follow the prophet, friends.

Jesus is returning tomorrow (at least you should think he is, so you really repent the best way you can). Have your lamps filled and your soil clear. End/

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