Naveen Patnaik Profile picture
Chief Minister of Odisha; President, Biju Janata Dal.

May 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Today, my council of ministers passed this resolution.

World has changed its perception about #Odisha’s ability to deal with disasters in the course of last two decades. There was a time when we evoked pity. Today, the Odisha model of disaster management draws global admiration.

At centre of this transformation is deep conviction that ‘Every life is precious’. Our preparedness is rooted on community involvement & #COVID19 has created a new reality for us. Unlike a cyclone that comes & goes, the pandemic has brought in two new dimensions of human crisis.

One, is the inability to put a timeline as to when a crisis will move on. The second, is the way a crisis may assume new and unexpected forms. The time has come for us to create a massive knowledge infrastructure in the State that will make everyone a warrior.

Today, we are taking a futuristic decision. We will train our people on how to deal with known emergencies and how to respond to situations where the outcome cannot be predicted. From now on, disaster and pandemic management as part of the curriculum in high school & colleges.

We will train every Government employee on the fundamental nature of different kinds of disaster and pandemic management. Government jobs and recruitment will have a mandatory syllabus on disaster and pandemic management.

The role of our elected representatives changes significantly during times of distress. From ward members to CM, everyone will be trained on disaster and pandemic management.

We will train members of our Mission Shakti groups, Vana Surakya Samitis, and other community based organizations and equip them with the knowledge required to manage disaster and pandemics.

The Council of Ministers has resolved to undertake systematic & detailed training programmes to make Odisha a leading state in disaster preparedness - ready to tackle any disaster whether it’s biological or climatic. The objective is to have a ‘Yodha in every home of Odisha’.

A task force will be formed to carry forward this mission of building a disaster and pandemic resilient Odisha. This will be our biggest preparation for future emergencies. #DisasterReadyOdisha

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