Emily Domenech Profile picture
@America_Builds_ co-chair, @bspfirm SVP and @poli_climate cohost. 2.5 Speaker Alumn. Co-founder of #TheHonorProject. Proud stepmom 👩🏻‍🦰 #GoHoos #GoNavy

May 31, 2021, 48 tweets

And we’re back for our 3rd and final day of #TheHonorProject 2021! I’ll be tweeting photos of the graves I visit in this thread today...please DM me if you have a loved one you would like visited in Arlington Cemetery and it would be my honor to visit them for you 🇺🇸#MemorialDay

This is my friend @AmberSmithUSA’s friend CW4 Michael Slebodnik. He was killed in Afghanistan flying a OH-58 Kiowa helicopter on September 11, 2008. From what I’ve read and heard he was an absolute badass and incredible mentor. Read about him here: google.com/amp/s/www.lega…

This is Gunnery Sgt. Adam Benjamin. Thank you to @Johnny_Joey for sharing his story. You can read more about him here... eodwarriorfoundation.org/msgt-adam-f-be…

This is Jim and Diane and their son BJ. It was a privilege to meet them today 🇺🇸 #TheHonorProject

SSG Alexander W Conrad, killed in Somalia...sent by @RealSamRogers, you can read about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-staff-sgt…

This is SGT Patrick C Hawkins, killed in Kandahar in 2013, requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 leadthewayfund.org/sgt-patrick-ch…

This is 1LT Daniel Weiss. He was a rifleman and a Ranger who deployed 3 times...requested by @DCAT320..please read his story here, it brought me to tears #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 legacy.com/obituaries/nap…

This is SSgt Nicholas Sprovtsoff who served in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan..shared by @Johnny_Joey, please read his story here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 eodwarriorfoundation.org/ssgt-nicholas-…

This is Master Sergeant Jared N. Van Aalst, who was killed on his 6th deployment... requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 travismanion.org/fallen-heroes/…

This is SSG James Patton. He was killed in combat in Iraq in a helo crash. requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 leadthewayfund.org/staff-sergeant…

This is CPL Benjamin Kopp. He was a Ranger who died from combat wounds in Afghanistan...requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 m.startribune.com/obituaries/det…

This is SGT Jimmy Regan. He was a Ranger who earned a Bronze Star....requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 leadthewayfund.org/sgt-james-j-re…

This is SGT Dale Brehm. He was an Army Ranger on his 6th tour when he was killed in Ramadi in 2006...requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 latimes.com/archives/la-xp…

This is SPC Ari Brown-Weeks, who earned a Bronze Star in Iraq...requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 google.com/amp/s/www.balt…

This is SSG Yance Gray who was KIA in Iraq on his 4th deployment... requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 stevensonfuneralhomes.com/obituaries/sta…

This is Army SGT Michael Hardegree, a 3rd generation soldier in the 82nd Airborne...requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 jcollinsfuneralhome.com/obituary/63983…

This is SSG Nino D. Livaudais...he was born in the Philippines, enlisted in the military, and was KIA in Iraq....requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 leadthewayfund.org/staff-sergeant…

This is Army CPT Russell B. Rippetoe, who was a Ranger killed in Iraq in 2003...requested by @DCAT320..read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-capt-russ…

This is SSGT Ryan Coyer and lovely his parents. He was an Army Ranger who deployed 6 times..requested by @DCAT320 ...read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 obits.mlive.com/obituaries/sag…

This is PFC Orlando Gonzalez who was killed in Iraq in 2007. I learned about him from @rickdicksonreal ...you can read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 legacy.com/obituaries/ctp…

This is the resting place of Maj Chris Cooper and his crew. A USAF pilot, Maj Cooper was killed in a B-52 crash in 2008. Requested by @rlbourquin, you can learn more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 google.com/amp/s/www.lega…

This is 2LT Leonard Cowherd III, from Culpepper, VA near where I grew up. He was an @WestPoint_USMA grad who was killed by an Iraqi sniper in 2004. Requested by his sister, @MrsLSalinas, you can read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-2nd-lt-le…

This is SSG Joshua Mills. He was a Green Beret and an SF sniper and had the most flowers I have ever seen at a single grave. Requested by his brother, @kevinmi45500448, you can learn more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 americanfallensoldiers.com/army-ssg-joshu…

This is Cpl Kevin Dempsey. He went by Jack and was killed in Iraq in 2004. Requested by @RealConroy, you can learn more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 google.com/amp/s/www.lega…

This is Capt Mark Tyler Voss, TSgt Herman Mackey III, and Capt Victoria Pinckney. They were killed when their KC-135 crashed en route Afghanistan. Request via @chiproytx and Mark’s parents, you can learn more about them here..#TheHonorProject🇺🇸 google.com/amp/s/www.ksat…

This Dan Bartle, Nathan McHone, Travis Riddick, Joe Logan, Kevin Reinhard, and Jesse Stites. They were killed in a helo crash in Helmand Province in Jan. 2012. Requested by Dan’s brother @johnbartle, you can learn more about Dan here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 usnamemorialhall.org/index.php/DANI…

This is PVT Jonathan Falaniko from Pago Pago. He and his father were both serving in Iraq at the time he was KIA. Requested by @ArnoldofMD, you can read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 legacy.com/obituaries/nam…

This is SSG Christopher Hake. He was killed in Iraq in 2008, and apparently told his father they “couldn’t pay me to come home early.” Requested by @jcasper11, you can learn more about him here. #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 legacy.com/obituaries/was…

This is CPL Jessica Ellis. She was killed in Baghdad in 2008. I had the pleasure of meeting her dad Steve, who showed me this photo of them fighting forest fires in @GlacierNPS together. Learn more about her here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-cpl-jessi…

This is Franklin Ginzel, who was a POW in World War II #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸

This is SGT David Smith, requested by @BirdlandMlark ...please read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 sgtdavidjsmith.org/about/

This is SSG Rusty Christian, a Green Beret who was killed in Afghanistan. Read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 greenevillesun.com/obituaries/sta…

This is LCDR Richard Harralson, a WWII and Korean War vet who was a POW #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸

This is SGT Joshua Rechenmacher, who was killed in Iraq in 2007. Read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 google.com/amp/s/www.lega…

This is LTC Santiago Garcia Guevara, who served in WWII and Korea and was a POW. #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸

This is SFC Ryan Savard, a Green Beret who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. You can read more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 greenberetfoundation.org/memorial/ryan-…

Ok so my phone battery was dying so I focused on taking photos this last hour...recharging now so stay tuned for my last round of photos for #theHonorProject

This is Lance Cpl. Kevin Adam Lucas. He was from Greensboro and was KIA in Iraq when he took another Marine’s place on a last minute mission. You can read more about him here #TheHonorProject google.com/amp/s/www.lega…

This is USMC Capt Nathanael Doring. He was a Cobra pilot who went by the callsign “Chatters”...you can learn more about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 m.startribune.com/obituaries/det…

This is 1LT Scott Love. He was killed by an IED while he was a platoon leader in Iraq. Read more here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 west-point.org/society/wps-te…

This is Army COL Jerome O’Leary, who received the Legion of Merit during his service in Vietnam and WWII. Requested by @dweezy1420 #TheHonorProject

This is a USAF crew lost at sea off the coast of Africa, including SSgt Gary Bucknam and SSgt Scott Roberts. Requested by @gaffler27 #TheHonorProject

This is PFC Christopher W Lotter. He was only 20 years old when he was KIA in Tikrit, Iraq. Read more about him here #theHonorProject delcotimes.com/news/delco-sol…

This is the grave of CW2 Jackie McFarlane and his crew. You can read more about him here #TheHonorProject tonysiraqblog2007.blogspot.com/2007/10/cw2-ja…

This is SGT John K Dagget. He was a fire team with the 25th ID, and went by Kyle. You can read about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-sgt-john-…

This is Lt Col William Hall. According to his obituary, his two great loves were his family and the US Marine Corps. You can learn about him here #TheHonorProject 🇺🇸 fallenheroesproject.org/?p=3514

Last but certainly not least — this is LT Ronald Irwin. I met his lovely wife Wanda and we chatted about her husband, and how he joined the Navy in his 30s and was up for promotion. She also sent me his picture to share! #TheHonorProject

Thank you all for following along today (and special thanks to @mkhammer for the late afternoon reinforcements!). If I didn’t get to your request I apologize but one of our volunteers almost certainly did! I hope you can join us next year for #TheHonorProject 2022 🇺🇸

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