Ulrike Franke Profile picture
Senior Fellow @ecfr. #Drone politics PhD @UniofOxford, previously @sciencespo. Writes about #Germany #Defence. Diskutiert bei @SicherheitsPod & Le Collimateur

Jun 1, 2021, 10 tweets

As I am still in bank holiday spirit, and The New Yorker published this #drone cartoon yesterday, here is a thread with my favourite drone and #AI cartoons, comics, memes etc.

Drone delivery gone wrong.

Me, in 50 years.

Or maybe that will be me?

Delivery by #drone, taken literally.

When #AI development goes *really* wrong

Bit of an insider on the German #drone debate

This one, by @xkcd sounds like a joke…

…but then again 🤷‍♀️

I’ll end (for now, I got a feeling this thread will grow further) with one of my @xkcd comics ever.
I actually think about this a lot.
Have a great start into the week.

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