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Jun 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Working from home with your children around?
Your kids are bored and want to play outside but they can't?

NOT EASY for any of us!

More parenting tips during #COVID19 πŸ‘‡

Try taking 20 minutes doing something the kids choose – like playing a game or reading - together with them.

No phone or TV so you can focus on them.

Quality time will make them feel safe and loved.

More parenting tips during #COVID19

Exercise helps kids with a lot of energy (and adults) to de-stress when we #StayAtHome.

Let your child choose the music and have a 10-minute dance! You might even impress them with your moves! πŸ’ƒ πŸ•Ί πŸ‘―

More parenting tips during #COVID19

Immediate kangaroo mother care - which involves skin-to-skin contact and exclusive breastfeeding - dramatically improves a preterm or low birthweight baby’s πŸ‘Ά chances of survival.

Find out more on this new researchπŸ‘‰

Starting kangaroo mother care immediately after birth has the potential to save up to 150,000 more lives each year, compared with the current recommendation of starting it only once a baby πŸ‘Ά is clinically stable:


Holding a baby skin-to-skin and exclusive breastfeeding 🀱 meet their needs for:

βœ… warmth
βœ… nutrition
βœ… stimulation
βœ… safety
βœ… love
and helps them develop.


When started at the soonest possible time, kangaroo mother care can save even more lives, improve health outcomes for babies πŸ‘Ά and bolster the emotional wellbeing of their families:


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