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Writer, Editor & Culture critic. Loves classical music, dance, traditional food. वेदः मम जीवनम्।Author - https://t.co/XWFr3sBSVP

Jun 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Hey Bhagawan! Another tragic demise!

Brahmasri Kaimukku Raman Akkithirippad, the great Jyotishyacharya who had predicted #Covid, succumbed to the dreaded virus!

This is so sad! 😔

Atma Shanti 🙏

This article below had some of his predictions. Apparently he did foresee his end too, and informed some of his family and friends. 😔🙏

A great scholar of Yajurveda and ancient Shrouta rituals, he was a Nityagnihotri who performed regular Ishti and special Ishtis on other occasions.

This loss is terrible 😞😭🙏

Too many wonderful memories of him.

Sigh! 😞🙏

Raman ji conducted the 2012 Athirathram in the Pakazhiyam Sampradayam Which was revived after 112 years! A handful of experts know this Shrauta Yajna Prayogam upto Athirathram. He was an authority! He also knew the Ashtamangalaprasnam like the back of his hand!

Sigh! 😞🙏

He was the Yajamani for the Somayagam in 2006. Such a phenomenal scholar on various subjects! I only hope his legacy is continued by his disciples.

His demise is such a huge loss! I am still unable to believe! 😞🙏

Will remember my friend, Shri Raman ji, in my prayers on this auspicious Ekadasi. He would observe it strictly. Only a couple of Pakshams earlier, we had spoken on the phone! Sigh!

Everything is unpredictable these days!

Bless his soul! 🙏

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