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Jun 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Unstated: This is because the explicit rules of American society are contained in the Marvel Cinematic Universe rather than the legal code…

"this is a general feature of American law, where the state is selective in enforcement and gives vague guidance that is subject to interpretation"

The technical term for this is literally tyranny: *arbitrary* rule without base in traditional law and legitimation mechanisms.

It the Holocaust happened unintentionally, as some historians claim, as a result of fanatics "working towards the Führer," then what's going on now in corporate America is "working toward diversity" (setting aside the inherent profitability of e.g. ⚧ treatments)

"Ironically" lol. Yeah, just a big wacky accident.

And this is just stuff as obvious as ethnicity and race, let alone gender/sexuality shit!

[AAPI = Asian American Pacific Islander]

I can't help but read this in @CBonduk's voice.

Don't think this excuses corporate America, though. Whatever the origin of this stuff, the suits of the current day are unironic true believers willing to lose money in defense of it and to think otherwise is to make the same mistake that Diefenbaker did (see my pinned)

This is your litmus test. Anyone who doesn't mention these things is fundamentally unserious about fighting anti-white racism.

Der ewige Boomercon

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