Julius Ruechel Profile picture
Author of Grass-Fed Cattle, Autopsy of a Pandemic, The Great Unravelling, and Plunderers of the Earth.

Jun 2, 2021, 10 tweets

A thread on why lockdowns kill:

The fantasy of "flattening the curve" completely ignores the reality of seasonality. There is no flattening because only the height, but not the width of the curve is affected by slowing the spread. Seasonality determines the width.

The two COVID waves (Winter of 19/20 and 20/21) are clearly visible in this chart of weekly deaths. Seasonality is obvious. And there is ZERO evidence of flattening the curve. Waves did not get "fatter" than previous years.

Here's what really happens... each peak is blunted by delaying the number of infections required to reach herd immunity. Those infections are delayed until the next winter season, or the next.

Sounds lovely until you realize that lockdowns are preventing the healthy from acquiring herd immunity, so the ring of immunity that would normally form around the vulnerable never happens.

Instead of providing focused protection for the vulnerable for 6 to 8 weeks while that ring of immunity forms, the vulnerable have now faced a mortal risk of death from everyone they encounter for 15 months and counting!

And they're still not safe because the virus is STILL circulating in the community.

Much of the second wave of deaths was probably preventable if lockdowns hadn't interferred with natural immunity. That's why lockdowns kill.

Allowing the virus to spread in the community during the 1st wave, without lockdowns, while providing focused protection for the vulnerable would NOT have produced more deaths. We know exactly who is at risk of severe outcomes:

Those at risk are the very old with severe pre-existing health conditions, particularly those trapped in long-term care and hospitals. 6 to 8 weeks of barring the door and they could have rejoined society. Hardly anyone else was at risk of dying.

Thanks to lockdowns, the vulnerable keep on dying because the healthy community around them is still unsafe.

Find out more about this and many backwards pandemic policies with lethal consequences in my recent investigative interview:

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