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Jun 2, 2021, 11 tweets

Fauci to Sylvia Burwell on masks:

Who is Sylvia Burwell? Gates Foundation President; moved to government post as Secretary of HHS thru Obama. › wiki
Sylvia Mathews Burwell - Wikipedia

Worked for Clinton ("helped form NEC"), (Jay) Rockefeller campaign, PRESIDENT of the Global Development Program for BM Gates Foundation, Harvard, Oxford (Rhodes Scholar)...

Obama nominated Burwell as Secretary to oversee HHS, including mgmt of Medicare/caid NIH, FDA, CDC..

Affordable Care Act (See Burwell v Hobby Lobby - interesting to see where Gates' influence may have been..)👇🏼

Sylvia Burwell (Mathews) served alongside John Podesta; called to testify to Senate regarding Whitewater + her search of Vince Foster's garbage & denied destroying evidence... 👀

I guess the "conspiracy theorists" weren't too far off the mark...
Snopes identifies Sylvia Burwell as👇🏼

Dec 2014: Burwell pictured at the Vaccine Research Center (at NIH in Bethesda, MD), alongside Chief of Biodefense Research, Nancy Sullivan.

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