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Fund Manager/Trader; Global Macro/Technical/Market Analysis; Cash/Deriv/Vols; No gossip, No investment advice. Just markets & learning together. VARAD: Blessing

Jun 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Role of #USD & #EUR in Global Monetary System:

[Charts from ECB Paper: 'International Role of Euro']

#Dollar continues to dominate FX Reserves, International Debt, Loans, Deposits, FX Turnover & Global payments


FX Transactions settled in CLS System (Continuous Linked Settlement)

▪️ USD led FX market => involved in ~90% of all settlements in Dec'20
▪️ EUR second most actively settled ccy


FX Share in Global FX RESERVES:

Sub-thread below


FX Share in International DEBT:
▪️ USD accounts for ~66% of all International Debt issuance
▪️ EUR share has declined to 23%


Borrowers of International Debt:
▪️ USD-denominated debt issuance by EM borrowers surged - favourable financing conditions in US

▪️ EUR-denominated debt issuance declined - less interest from US borrowers

▪️ Also rapid growth in USD-denominated green bond issuance in 2020


FX Share in International LOANS:
▪️ USD share declined but still dominant ccy => 54% of international loans
▪️ EUR 16%, Others 27%


FX Share in International DEPOSITS:
▪️ USD share of outstanding stock of international deposits ~54% => pandemic driven safe-haven Dollar demand + Fed's QE driven excess USD liquidity

▪️ EUR share 17%

@rodneyatwigram @chigrl



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