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Jun 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Dear Democratic and Republican voters: Let’s all call our elected representatives in the House & Senate to request that they pass a law requiring #RobustManualAudits conducted in public (or public #HandCounting) for all federal races starting 2022. TY. #ElectionTransparency 1/

Congress has power over federal elections. 2/

One thing we CAN agree upon is that we (Democrats and Republicans) don’t trust each other and should not have to at the ballot box. #ElectionTransparency 3/


5/ Yes we need this. Here is what @philipbstark, America’s foremost election auditing expert, told me in October 2020.…

6/ This is the type of manual audit that Stark recommends.

7/ Oh. And election officials must preserve the ballot images (automatically generated by scanners as they count paper ballots) and make them publicly available too.

Manual recounts are very rare. Without automatic robust manual audits (conducted regardless of the margin of victory) & access to ballot images (which don’t reveal voters’ identities), we are blindly trusting our votes to black boxes. This is dumb. #RobustManualAudits 8/

The goal is to have more transparent elections. We need the supporters of the winner AND of the loser to have confidence that the result was free and fair. 9/

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