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I have become comfortably numb, Missing in Action

Jun 3, 2021, 5 tweets

1.) CANADA, ONTARIO, our freedom is gone. Doug Ford put the nail in the coffin yesterday waging war on our children. ALL you adults injecting have given Trudeau and Ford the power. These are ALL EUA. They are using expired doses and mixing and matching.

2.) Extending the time frame to get the second dose long past manufacturer trial tests. Gov't has given them full indemnity. Now gov't has instituted an adverse reaction compensation plan. That same plan is funded by you injecting (taxpayer).

3.) Because you injecting these concoctions have been so compliant it is now the children's turn, next it will be your babies. Do you not see the insanity in all this? Thanks to YOU we have ALL given up our FREEDOM. This is ALL against our Charter of Rights.

4.) So keep injecting fools. None of these have EVER passed human clinical trials before and the lab rats did not make it when subjected to the virus. This virus has a 99+% recovery rate. BTW influenza has NOT been eradicated it is simply renamed Covid. PCR tests are a scam.

5.) Protect your children they are the future. Do not sterilize them with this jab. Jesus said children come unto me. For God's sake let grandma hug them.


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