Matt Goldberg Profile picture
Research Scientist and Director of Experimental Research at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

Jun 3, 2021, 6 tweets

Our latest Climate Change in the American Mind politics report is now out!


A large majority of Democrats think GW should be a high or very high priority for the president and Congress. Much lower support among Republicans.


Most registered voters think developing sources of clean energy should be a high or very high priority. Extremely strong support among Democrats.

However, we see a sharp drop in support among Republicans compared to our last survey. We are currently investigating why.


Good news is that there's still majority support for many climate-friendly energy policies among both Republicans and Democrats.

Strongest support for providing tax rebates for energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels.


Further, there is broad support for a major investment in the nation's infrastructure. Although the current public discourse suggests that there are disagreements about what this should include.


Much more detail in the full report:

Big thanks to the wonderful team: @ecotone2 @MaibachEd @MethodsMaven @jekotcher @jenpcarman @w_xinran @karinlacroix @JMarlonPhD @YaleClimateComm @Mason4C

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