Matt Goldberg Profile picture
Research Scientist and Director of Experimental Research at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication | Co-Founder, XandY
Nov 18, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Do persuasive messages convince more people, or do they convince people to a larger degree?

In our new working paper, we examine this question with 14 experiments, 94 messages tested, and 41,265 participants.


1/x 🧵…Image We describe this as a question of breadth (convince more people) versus depth (convince people to a larger degree).

When we usually compare messages, we compare their overall average effects. Averages miss whether the message effects are driven more by breadth or depth.

2/x Image
Oct 21, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
Strategic communication has enormous value, but our knowledge on it is fragmented. How do we distill it all into a general overarching framework?

I spoke to @AbelGustafson about this question for the last two years. Here's what we've come up with... 1/x First, we developed this framework for *strategic* communication, to be applied to purposeful, specific goals (e.g., increase vaccinations, convince people to take action on climate change, etc.).

This is familiar to our #scicomm #envcomm and many of our other colleagues.

Oct 21, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Our latest Climate Change in the American Mind politics report is now out!

Some highlights... 1/x The biggest takeaway is that many policies currently being considered by Congress have strong support among a large majority of registered voters, including many Republicans.

Strongest support is for tax incentives to make existing buildings more energy efficient (86%)

Jul 27, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
A while back, our research teams categorized Americans into six distinct groups: Global Warming’s Six Americas

The proportion identified as Alarmed has more than doubled in the past five years.

Are there subsegments WITHIN the Alarmed? Highlights from our new study… 1/x We segmented the Alarmed based on their reported political and consumer behaviors, their willingness to perform a variety of activism behaviors, and discussion with close others.

We identified three subsegments: the Active, Willing, and Inactive

Jun 3, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Our latest Climate Change in the American Mind politics report is now out!

Highlights...1/x A large majority of Democrats think GW should be a high or very high priority for the president and Congress. Much lower support among Republicans.

Jan 15, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Our latest Climate Change in the American Mind politics report is now out!

Some highlights... 1/x A large majority of Democrats say GW should be a high or very high priority for the president and Congress. Far fewer (but a non-trivial %) Republicans say the same. 2/x
Apr 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨New report: American Public Responses to COVID-19🚨

Quick THREAD on some highlights on our findings 1/x Image By a HUGE margin, Americans prefer to stop the spread of the virus over stopping economic decline 2/x Image