Michael Kobs Profile picture

Jun 3, 2021, 17 tweets

In all seriousness, here we see Eliot Higgins begging for Twitter censorship so that his cockamamie conclusions can no longer be disrupted by contradiction. Let's remember...

Neither the OPCW nor Higgins can explain why the graphs in the OPCW Report are diametrically opposed to the written conclusion and, accordingly, refute the conclusion completely.
Here is the evidence that this cylinder never reached the position in which it was found.

Despite a deformation, which only allows a horizontal impact, Higgins+ fantasize countless theories about how the cylinder could have managed to fit through the hole without damaging the valve. He conspired with Forensic Architecture to falsify the size and engineers' drawings.

Higgins passes over evidence that refutes his theories. Thus, he does not mention that media activists opened the valve and released the contents. This fact alone explains chlorination, which is not mentioned by Higgins or OPCW, although they themselves provided the evidence.

Higgins collaborated with Forensic Architecture and NYT to depict dust swept away as melting frost. In this falsification of evidence, they overlooked the fact that the frost would have formed on the underside.
Will @TwitterSafety put a stop to such #FakeNews in the future?

Here we see a reused rocket motor, as evidenced by the scratches due to inertia. Rusted fins were attached to this motor with a brand new screw. This is evidence that points to a fake, but is not - under any circumstances - mentioned by Higgins.
Will @TwitterSafety act on it?

After Khan Sheikhoun, Eliot Higgins+ distinguished itself by supporting HRW's "Russian bomb" theory. Higgins+ changed the wind direction contrary to the video evidence, suppressed any hint that the still-wet road had already been cleared from rubble.

When Higgins+ provided the evidence (long known to them) that intact M4000 bombs were in the opposition's possession, it gave no pause for thought. On the contrary, they claimed that a sarin attack had taken place on March 24, for which there is not a shred of evidence.

Of course, Higgins does not mention that the only piece of evidence - an M4000 fragment - was simply reassigned by the OPCW. Previously, this piece was seen as evidence of an attack on March 30. But those pieces of evidence were collected in an entirely different location.

The IIT makes its decisions based on such distortions. But this is not a criticism of Eliot Higgins. Higgins does not ask how a SAMS doctor could attest to sarin symptoms of which there is nothing to see.

Nor does he have the technical curiosity to ask how sarin decay products got into the soil samples. Or how to fill cylinders with liquid gas without a valve. For him, the only thing that counts is the predetermined political conclusion .

Eliot Higgins is not surprised when (presumably dead) children are used for White Helmet mock resuscitation while THREE pretend doctors wait behind the camera. These well-known SAMS doctors reach into the frame only once so that the girl's body doesn't fall to the ground.

One of these doctors presented this video to the UN. The White Helmet was murdered some time later. It is the same hospital that Higgins claims was bombed by Russians during his OSINT courses. It is the same hospital that attested to fake sarin symptoms mentioned above.

Oddly enough, the self-proclaimed OSINT God did not notice that the OPCW report made a ventilation shaft twice as wide as it actually is. Laconically, the OPCW report notes "As improbable as it sounds..." the chemical bomb fell through that vent.

Nonetheless, the OPCW report fails to describe what chemical is said to result from the mixture of R22 refrigerant and potassium permanganate. Only Higgins buddy Bretton Gordon claims to know. He allegedly measured it with a portable device. (Compare OPCW trace levels in Douma)

And this show of constructed evidence has been going on since Syrian soldiers were attacked with sarin. Of course, Higgins+ claim that there is no evidence that the opposition has ever been in possession of sarin.
If that is not a conspiracy theory, what is it?

I really wonder what @TwitterSafety will do about all these unproven claims, lies and constructions. Maybe unbiased experts should take a look at all that BS.

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