Ophir Gottlieb Profile picture
Unpaid Verified. CEO @CMLviz. Contrib @Reuters @Factset @Refinitiv. Stanford Trained Mathematician. Former Option Market Maker; Hedge Fund Manager. AI/ML.

Jun 3, 2021, 11 tweets

A thread...


Bars: Revenue (TTM)
Line: Gross Profit (TTM)





Bars: Revenue (TTM)
Line: Gross Profit (TTM)




Bars: Revenue (TTM)
Line: Gross Profit (TTM)




Bars: Revenue (TTM)
Line: Gross Profit (TTM)




Bars: Revenue (TTM)
Lines: Gross Profit (TTM)

Between this chart and repeated raised analyst revenue estimates for 2021 (beat and raise cadence) trying to catch up to the company, the 'overvalued' argument falls flat, and it does so by a lot.


Now that we have seen financials, we can also see how analysts have been behind the curve.


This chart illustrates analyst estimates for FY 2021 revenue through time.

This is *not* a chart of revenue, it is a chart of estimates changing for the period: FY2021


Now that we have seen financials ☝️, we can also see...


This chart illustrates analyst estimates for FY 2021 revenue through time.

This is *not* a chart of revenue, it is a chart of estimates changing for the period: FY2021

Guidance is now $390M.


Now that we have seen financials ☝️, we can also see...


This chart illustrates analyst estimates for FY 2021 revenue through time.

This is *not* a chart of revenue, it is a chart of estimates changing for the period: FY2021

Note incorrect COVID impacted estimates.


Now that we have seen financials ☝️ we can also see...


Chart illustrates analyst estimates for FY 2021 revenue through time.

This is *not* a chart of revenue, it is a chart of estimates changing for the period: FY2021

Note, again, incorrect COVID impacted estimates.



Price in short-term does not (necessarily) reflect business in long-term.


(Do this with any of your holdings)

"What you see and what you are told are not necessarily the same thing."

See it right:


..and one extra...


Chart illustrates analyst estimates for FY 2021 revenue through time (FY21 just ended).

This is *not* a chart of revenue, it is a chart of estimates changing for the period: FY2021

Rising estimates as analysts try to catch up, created this today


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