Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Jun 4, 2021, 14 tweets

Pediatrics vs PHE report

PHE Blog vs PHE Report

On @LongCovidKids

Pediatrics vs Parents

PHE say masks arent needed because of other measures and cases not rising


Reality £0 invested in ventilation, no social distancing and cases rising

The evidence is clear, why are they keeping up the pretence?

Because much of the media will choose to quote and believe the usual characters rather than thr facts.

The facts⬇️

Its constant.
On data from experiments conducted in schools

Government vs Jon Deeks

They twist and distort everything, even when it comes to school funding

Nadhim Zahawi vs Mary Bousted

Viner talks about how masks keep us safe on #r4today

Masks had been removed, he had argued for this

Here's also a video of him arguing against masks being introduced in the first place

B117 was more severe than wild covid, perhaps by 50%? This would mean more sickness in children.
Remember that phone call on BBC5live that was removed as fake news after pediatrics intervened?

Pediatrics vs The data

Full links here

The data was clear, its from a low base, but it means that without mitigations there will be more sick children than originally expected

Also means other countries werent warned,small number multiplied many times is still a large number, that's on Johnson

FOI response on why government took Greenwich to court in December.

Jenny Harries "closing schools would increase transmission as they wouldn't be testing students"


Schools week 18th Dec "Testing to start on 4th Jan"

Examples of this failire to provide evidence to this FOI and several others

I wouldn't be suprised if we get another show education select committee where all the evidence is discounted by the usual characters

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