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Writer, playwright, journalist. Jacobin Magazine, Sentido Común, co-host of Soberanía Podcast. Email: kwhackbarth(at)gmail. Donate: https://t.co/tPaWFOwGd0

Jun 4, 2021, 10 tweets

After suffering through various forms of fraud in election after election, #Mexican voters are fighting back: here, in Nacozari de García, Sonora, citizens stopped municipal employees from the conservative PAN from attempting to buy votes with foodstuffs.

Unfortunately, in other parts of the country, these practices continue unabated.

Here, Cándido Coheto, legislative candidate for the #PRI-#PAN coalition in Villa Alta, #Oaxaca, demands a helicopter come to deliver money to buy votes or "we're screwed."

Still in #Oaxaca, a truck and warehouse were discovered with more foodstuffs allegedly for vote-buying by the #PRI in the Colonia Jardín neighborhood.

People lined up for vote buying by the #PRI in #Campeche. Here, not with food but cash in exchange for surrendering their voter IDs. In the video, someone complains that they were promised $1,500 pesos but are only getting $300.

Still in #Campeche, more scenes of apparent vote buying by the conservative coalition in Ciudad del Carmen.

More food handouts from the #PAN, here in #Mérida, #Yucatán:


And from the #PRI in #Guerrero:

Despite strict campaign spending limits, dark money continues to flood campaigns. In 2018, for every peso spent legally by gubernatorial candidates, another 14 pesos came from undeclared sources.


The National Electoral Institute @INEMexico has always washed its hands in such cases, contending it cannot audit campaigns until they are over, by which point candidates have been elected and it's too late.

No more: electoral fraud is now a felony, per a law passed by AMLO.

And if the INE won't act -and it won't- then the Attorney General's Office @FGRMexico and the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes @FiscaliaElecMx must act. /END

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