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Apr 18th 2023
#Mexican president vows to protect military from #US “espionage”

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Tuesday that his government will protect confidential information of Mexico’s armed forces from the threat of “espionage” by the United States.…
“We are going to take care of the information of the Navy Secretariat & the Defense Secretariat, because we are being an object espionage by the Pentagon, & many media outlets in Mexico are leaking information given to them by the DEA (US Drug Enforcement Administration),”
-AMLO- Image
AMLO, raised the issue a day after denouncing a DEA operation to infiltrate the Sinaloa cartel without authorization from the Mexican government, as “abusive, arrogant interference.”…
Read 9 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
NEW INVESTIGATION: recent Mexican #Pegasus spyware abuses led us to evidence of a trio of zero-click exploits used by #NSO.

Targets? HomeKit & FindMy.

Remarkably, #Apple's #iOS #LockdownMode blocked one of them.

Quick THREAD 1/… Image
2/ First, the new victims: Mexican lawyers representing families of victims of Military abuses

The timing of the targeting matches key developments in efforts to hold #Mexico's army responsible.

It's really bad.

We @citizenlab forensically confirmed the spyware infections. One infected device belongs...ImageImage
3/ We found evidence of 3 #zeroclick #0day chains used by NSO's #Pegasus #spyware in 2022.

First: #PWNYOURHOME: worked against #homekit even if you didn't set up a home.

Apple's changes in iOS 16.3.1 that address.

#LockdownMode also kneecaps it. ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
1/10 Time to settle down, class. Today's topic is economic disinformation, the use of economic methods to present false claims as data-driven "facts." Today's case: @stuartsmyth66's claim of huge economic losses from #Mexico's restrictions on #GMO corn imports. Image
The Feb 2022 paper models economic costs to #Mexican producers and processors. In economic modeling, the results are often driven by the modelers' assumptions, not the model or data.
Assumption #1: The ban will shut off yellow corn imports in 2024. Nope.…
So, not until 2025, and then maybe phased in. For @stuartsmyth66 an immediate, total ban adds to damage estimates. So too Assumption #2: #Mexico will be cut off from US feed corn with no alternative sources. But no:…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
🇲🇽🔥 #Mexico: Confirmed 10 mexican military dead and 35 injured.19 cartel sicarios dead, by army chief Luis Sandoval.

Real numbers could be way much higher.
🔞🇲🇽 Official data on those killed during the confrontation between #Mexican government forces and Los Chapitos do not inspire confidence.

According to some sources, the corpses of #LosChapitos militants were filmed in the Sinaloa morgue #cartels #Mexico
#Mexico 🇲🇽: Members of the #Sinaloa Cartel recorded a new video during their watch in #Culiacán.

The cartel members in the video are seemingly armed with two uncommon FN SCAR 20S rifles —which are very likely sourced from civilian markets in #USA 🇺🇸.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
Members of Sinaloa drug cartel are equipped with anti-aircraft weapons such as MANPADS. They tried to shoot down a Casa C-295 transport aircraft of #Mexico Air Force. The aircraft was damaged and had an emergency landing at #Culiacán a few minutes ago!
This footage shows the C-295 Transport aircraft of #Mexican Air Force which members of Sinaloa drug cartel attempted to shoot it down while was flying over #Culiacán. Pilots decided to quickly descend to protect the aircraft from more anti-aircraft cannon rounds.
Sinaloa drug cartel is shooting at any aircraft that is taxiing or is about to land in #Culiacán airport. So-far, two more aircraft have been damaged.This Boeing 737-8MC of #Mexico Air Force with 3526 serial number & an Embraer E-190 passenger aircraft of #AeroMexico are targeted
Read 4 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
Massive 6.4 #earthquake rocks #California leaving people without power | Dec 20
- Its #epicenter was 210 miles north of #SanFrancisco, where a quake hit last week…
6.4-Magnitude #Earthquake Hits Northern #California | -3h
Northern #California #earthquake causes 'widespread damage' to roads, homes | -2h
Read 56 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
Muchos de los fracasos de la vida son personas que no se dieron cuenta de lo cerca que estaban del éxito cuando se dieron por vencidas.✌️

#Ukraine sigue defendiendo la libertad de la ocupación!
¡Y la lucha iraní por la libertad continúa durante más de 43años! #Iran🫶
Hola a todos😊
¡Que tengas un buen viernes!😍
#FelizViernes #fridaymorning ImageImage
🚨El 48° vicepresidente de #EEUU,Mike Pence, se reúne con Maryam Rajavi del NCRI y visita Ashraf 3 en Albania

◾️@Mike_Pence Gracias a todos por defender la #FreeIran del pueblo iraní.
◾️@Maryam_Rajavi La sociedad iraní está lista para el cambio
Leer 👉…
Read 18 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
Today I learned I am being #racially #profiled by my university @etsu. they saw I am shipping boxes from California and without asking me assumed the #mexican must be shipping drugs. They are questioning all my students and opening an investigation. This is surreal. @ETSUnews
Thank you all for all your support. I never thought something like this could happen. This is a very difficult time for my family, my students and myself. Please RT if you feel like it. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.
I want to again thank everyone for all your support during this difficult time. While the univ @etsu leaders are still yet to acknowledge the pain that my students, family and myself went through, they closed the investigation. Of course they had no evidence. Thank you all.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
#ATLUTD #Mexicano Pineda presentado como entrenador en propiedad .. "No voy a llegar a cambiar demasiado. El sistema puesto aquí es fantástico" #MLS @jfranquicia
#ATLUTD Deales sobre #Mexicano Pineda, "No es una solución de momento, queremos que Gonzalo esté aquí por mucho tiempo" #MLS @jfranquicia
#ATLUTD Deales sobre #Mexicano Pineda, "tiene lo que necesitamos, no solo en el caso de juego sino conectando con los jugadores, con la comunidad, con los aficionados" #MLS
Read 29 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
1. A look at local numbers reveals the breadth of #MORENA's victory in last Sunday's #Mexican midterms. Of the 19 state legislatures won, in 5 of them it swept *every single seat*; in 7 more it won between 70-80%.
2. These super-majorities will give #MORENA the power to amend state constitutions, enshrining labor, women's & social rights. As most crimes are state level, it'll also allow legislatures to pass amnesty measures for non-violent "offenses" such as drug possession and abortion.
3. In 2019, the #MORENA-majority legislature in #Oaxaca surprised the nation by legalizing abortion. With the party now set to govern 19 states, it can take the lead on key issues at the state level, pushing the federal party to act where it won't alone.…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
After suffering through various forms of fraud in election after election, #Mexican voters are fighting back: here, in Nacozari de García, Sonora, citizens stopped municipal employees from the conservative PAN from attempting to buy votes with foodstuffs.

Unfortunately, in other parts of the country, these practices continue unabated.

Here, Cándido Coheto, legislative candidate for the #PRI-#PAN coalition in Villa Alta, #Oaxaca, demands a helicopter come to deliver money to buy votes or "we're screwed."

Still in #Oaxaca, a truck and warehouse were discovered with more foodstuffs allegedly for vote-buying by the #PRI in the Colonia Jardín neighborhood.

Read 10 tweets
May 25th 2021
While thousands of #Mexican poor languish in prisons for months or years before ever getting to a trial, a judge in #Tamaulipas grants Governor Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca an injunction against the federal arrest warrant out for him.

Justice for sale.…
Cabeza de Vaca, of the conservative #PAN party, is accused of some $6.5 million pesos' worth of fraud and diversion of resources, purportedly used to rack up a series of luxury properties. He is also suspected of ties with the Sinaloa Cartel.…
The Federal Congress stripped him of his political immunity in order to clear the way for a trial. But the state legislature in Tamaulipas has refused to recognize the order and is protecting him, even sending armed vehicles to guard his residence.…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
1️⃣ #Unit400 is the special forces unit of the #QudsForce, focused on planning and conducting attacks outside #Iran. Within this remit, it also takes responsibility for transferring #military aid to terror and #guerrilla organisations around the world...
2️⃣ and coordinating their activities in order to prepare them to carry out attacks that serve the interests of the Iranian regime...

The HQ of #QudsForce's #Unit400 is in southeast #Tehran (Iran) The office run by the unit commander, Hamed Abdallahi.
3️⃣ Both the #IRGC and #QudsForce have been secretive and #Iran keeps most, if not all, of their activities and resources well guarded. However, given the #military unit’s expansive operations, they developed another section within the organisation for more specialised operations.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
#Mexican feminists are powerful and incredible. Read today's FEMINIST GIANT Newsletter which features their protests demanding legalized abortion…
And read this earlier FEMINIST GIANT Newsletter that features the anarchist feminist takeover of a human rights commission in Mexico City in September…
Also in today’s newsletter, intern @lauren_mac_ has included an article that examines the importance of the feminist movement in #Chile…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 23rd 2020
“I have every right to burn and smash things. I’m not gonna ask for anyone’s permission...because before they murdered my daughter they murdered many other women and what were we all doing? Crying and sewing from the comfort of our homes. That’s over now.”
Yesenia Zamudio, mother of María de Jesùs Jaime Zamudio:

“If you see me wearing black, if I’m too radical, if I burn and smash things, and if I make a goddamn mess in this city, what’s your goddamn problem with that? My daughter was murdered.”
“I’m not part of an activist group. I don’t need a drum, nor a goddamn political party to represent me. I represent myself and without a microphone. I’m a mother whose daughter was murdered.”
Read 15 tweets
Feb 18th 2020
Reading this brilliant memoir by #Iraqi author and performer @glamrou. One of these days, my good friend #Egyptian drag queen Ana Masreya and Amrou will meet and the world will be a better place for it. ❤️✊🏽❤️🌈
I am so fucking excited to be joining #Egyptian drag queen and my friend Ana Masreya and her fellow queens on March 6! Come out and see us #NYC!
With #Mexican queens Koko - also performing on March 6 - and #Egyptian queen Ana Masreya in Brooklyn earlier this month
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Feb 7th 2020
This is for fellow #Egyptians who are beginning to know this glorious Egyptian drag queen: this is from last Friday with my good friend Ana Masreya and #Mexican queen Koko after the Haza Party in Brooklyn
Ana Masreya is glorious. Polaroids With Koko and Omaima Khan.
And one more: Ana Masreya

📷 Alexis Brown
Read 4 tweets
Dec 3rd 2019
13.🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
1. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
2. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
Read 186 tweets
Nov 26th 2019
11.🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
1. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
2. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
Read 246 tweets
Nov 11th 2019
4.🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
1. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
2. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
Read 301 tweets
Jul 14th 2019
1/Sunday July 14-
In my research since the #NXIVMtrial ended almost 4 weeks ago, I discovered that #NXIVM #Mexico was/is MASSIVE, with ties to
#Hollywood (JamesBond?!)
and #Media
They HAD (still HAVE?) big plans…
2/ During the trial, Mark Vicente testified that Keith Raniere bragged that #NXIVM was so massive, with so many interconnected companies under the NXIVM umbrella, that it couldn’t be taken down.
Well, even the US Gov’t said it was big…
Much discovery evidence>sealed.
3/ So how big was (is) it?
Remember the Sony Hacks(?!)
In 2015, it was revealed via those leaked emails that the Mexican government paid $20 million (in form of tax breaks etc) to Sony/MGM for a script rewrite on the upcoming James Bond film, Spectre:…
Read 76 tweets
May 8th 2019
Arms manufactured in #Belgium are used by dictator governments and criminal organisations worldwide. While the govt has halted or banned sale to these countries, our @bellingcat & @LHreports research will show how manufacturers make a buck out of a bad bang.
FN Herstal is a popular Belgium manufacturer, but our open source research shows that some of their weapon systems have been granted the sale to be used in controversial conflicts. One of those is the Yemen intervention, where it is used by Saudi Arabia. #EUArms #BelgianArms
UK was warned by human rights bodies (@Amnesty:…) to stop sending arms to Saudi Arabia, yet Belgium has sent millions of Euros worth of arms to Saudi which are used in Yemen conflict. @amnestybe also warned this:… #EUArms #BelgianArms
Read 16 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
#Maricopa County recorded Adrian Fontes is a native of Nogales, Arizona, a border town where #ArizonaMafia #4, Marco Lopez, my former friend and business partner, grew up with Fontes...Fontes handled vote count in Kyrsten Sinema's election where a "last minute surge" was seen
Considering the way #ArizonaMafia members work, their influence on the U.S. #Democrat party and otherwise, they are a hard charging, aggressive group. They use scorched-earth tactics themselves and through others ... everything they do is brute force.…
"Fontes responded angrily to [a] Goodyear [Arizona] voter, Nathan Schneider, who complained that the election date was hard for him and his mother to find on the mail-in ballot..."

Fontes responded by asking if Schneider's mother ran his campaign and writing "go F- yourself."
Read 18 tweets

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