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Multi-award winning Hepatologist.

Jun 5, 2021, 18 tweets

Ayurveda for management of Alzheimers disease or AD

Wear your seat belts bcoz this is a crash course in ultimate pseudoscience nonsense - 'twisted' to look credible with weak evidences

Let is discuss with this thread as an example


The author of the thread, very explicitly state that there is NO CURE for AD. It is true, treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms, delaying progression and improving quality of life.

Now see what he does next.


He now strongly brings in Allopathy (or modern medicine which is what he meant)...

as ther is no treatment for AD in Allopathy.
Bcoz there is no Allopathy in 2021.

So the use of the word Allopathy means...

...the author of the thread is naiive, amateur.

But leave that...


...and see the masterstroke

He first says there is no cure or reversal of AD

Then discusses modern med to falsely portray helplessness of science and then BOOM!

brings in Ayurveda to show false hope
He puts "REVERSING" in quotes - meaning, it is not proven yet

Nice move..

..Now he appeals to nature/faith/balance/energy and all spiritual jargon to show Ayurveda is on a different plane than modern med... give false credibility

See paragraph
If u luk close, there is no science in there.
Its is utter nonsense

Biological air humor is comedy


Now after appealing to your emotions, culture, faith and spirituality, he puts in few lines with scientific statements in them

But luk close - herbs that have SHOWN PROMISE

This is like the SAME promise of vaccinating whole of India by June 30.

Got it?😀


Now he brings in the traditional herbs ALONG WITH scientific jargon - adaptogens, immune system, oxidation

- to make you teary eyed with nationalism!

Yes and who do we have here!
Yupp, our fav Ashwaganda

All total hogwash. Preclinical work. Garbage...


...but the author strongly feels for Ashwaganda becoz these are Indian traditional herbs AND WE HAVE to find a place for them in our hearts.

So he quotes a clinical study.
This one
From 2008🙄 an underpowered mess.

Many such rubbish studies followed


...and then without a single proper citation, the author proclaims Ashwaganda can INCREASE memory.

This is like saying, I bought a Maruti Suzuki filled it with Speed Petrol and now I drive a Ferrari.

Ashwaganda does zilch to your memory
Actually forget u even read that.

10/ again comes the science jargon.

Pay attention..

He uses words like regeneration and reconstruction to HIDE for what Ayurveda cannot describe.

What is reconstruction of neurons?

Mayb Ayurveda considers human brain as a big LEGO block wer energy flows thru the hinges


And nw

enter the dragon


Author makes a lame statement borrowed from the lame article he is regurgitating, saying Asian cuisine has more turmeric and hence less AD in India

Like correlating number of Rambo movies made
to the number of earthquakes in the world


Now he shows "evidence" for turmeric reversing AD in...


So if you are a mouse, bathe and loathe in turmeric.
No issues there.

But are you a mouse?


Now the next useless character enters.

Brahmi. It is so useless, that you'll find only mostly cell, tissue and mouse studies on it.

But hey! For pseudoscience like Ayurveda, thats enough to sell the product!


The author then goes on about OTHER herbs which are EXACTLY useless like these discussed herbs for AD.

And no evidence cited!

But you dont need them becoz now India is in your heart and mind and not science!


And then he makes the only true statement in all of the tweets in the thread he made.

Which is ,

ALL of the nonsense on Ayurvedic treatment for AD was from a 2012 narrative review article in which the authors of the article themselves state that......


….report summarizes information concerning the phytochemistry, biological, and cellular activities and clinical applications of these various plants in order to provide sufficient baseline information that could be used in drug discovery campaigns and development process😶


The author finally ends by asking for more followers.
Effective 😐

So is there evidence for Ayurvedic management of AD?

Absolutely not!

But lets not belittle Ayurveda or demonize it.

Lets proof it!

Ashwaganda for memory, cognition
NO BENEFITS, need more studies…

Brahmi for memory - NO EVIDENCE, need better studies

No evidence
Absolutely no evidence…

Dream on


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