Dr Murphy WeightLoss Profile picture
Board-certified: Internist, Obesity Med. Geneticist, RegenMed, Orthobiologist and DPC practice. Pro Paleo Doc! Author and Longevity Doc. using rapamycin etc.

Jun 5, 2021, 8 tweets

$UNH United sued last week acknowledged they HAVE TO PAY FOR COVID TESTING PERFORMED BY PHYSICIANS. UNITED refused to pay physician labs for YEARS. Now they recognize that the FFCRA and CARES mandate they pay these physicians and their labs! @EdGainesIII modernhealthcare.com/insurance/unit…

This is precisely the problem. The lawsuit is about demanding proof of each & every test done. Then you submit this and they deny for “improper physician order” This letter is meant to stave off thousands of lawsuits from work in 2020. IT WONT WORK. Providers are getting lawyers.

Insurers are violating federal law. They know it. Cigna admits it, but says, so what doctor? You can’t do anything about it! @wendellpotter Instead they accuse of fraud because that’s their “loophole” here. It will cause massive problems when they just should’ve paid.

Instead they just made wild profits, enjoyed stock bumps, paid executives and cut payments to labs and physicians. @UncoveredHealth details all of these games. So if a magnanimous letter saying they’ll pay at a level which most providers will have a loss…testing won’t be there.

Don’t believe they had wild profits? Let me tell you they did. Think it’ll come back to you as rebates? Think again, they’ve managed to manipulate that too. insurancenewsnet.com/innarticle/hea… And unlike Progressive Car insurance. Healthcare rates are going up no matter what

Most everyone will see increases? Why? Because insurers need to take money from employees, employers and pay their executives and shareholders. While graciously paying Medicare rates for tests that they are mandated by federal law to pay. If OON at the rates charged by the doc.

This is a shot of me in CT running the line with police assistance. The demand for testing was huge. Everyone was scared. We were the first to do testing via drive through on the east coast. Hundreds of labs and docs followed our lead. We wrongly assumed we would be paid

If doctors and labs can’t get paid, they’ll stop testing. That’s the most dangerous thing that can happen in this pandemic. If we can’t test, we can’t do the rest. #covid19 #pandemic

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