Boo Soon Yew 🇲🇾 Profile picture
A Liverpool Fan from Malaysia.. who is also a born-again Christian and has a keen interest in education.. now embracing a political responsibility + catman meow

Jun 7, 2021, 7 tweets

You learn something new everyday !! Meet #ghrelin .. the hormone secreted by our stomachs that control our Appetite & Hunger !! .. 1/n…

In fact, studies have been made to see correlation of #COVID19 & #ghrelin .. Hormone was measured using ELISA technique.. 2/n…

Conclusion was, there was no correlating, from a student t test ..
between #ghrelin hormone levels & patients having #COVID19 or not having..
[Caveat: sample size is small, n=50 for this positive & n=30 for control group who are negative] .. 3/n…

Then there is this Spanish report published in an EU document.. validating #ghrelin with weight gain !!…

Looks like it was discovered and reported in Nov 2004 !! #ghrelin #hormone .. discovered by Japanese 🇯🇵 scientists.…

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