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Jun 7, 2021, 16 tweets

On his first trip to the US since #COVID19, NATO SecGen @jensstoltenberg tells the American public that "a strong NATO is good for Europe & the US…The global balance of power is shifting...we have to stand together. We can't face these challenges alone." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

"How can we continue to make sure @NATO remains the most successful alliance in history? The key to do that is to continue to change as the world is changing. And at the upcoming NATO summit, we will agree to a forward-looking ambitious agenda. We call it #NATO2030." #ACFrontPage

"@NATO continues to be committed to Afghanistan but in another way than the last two decades, with a big military operation… The military mission is ending, but political support for Afghans will remain with a civilian presence." #NATO2030 #ACFrontPage


"The intention was never to stay forever. We have to face the reality that there is a lot of uncertainty...the decision to leave has risks. But the Afghanistan we leave now is very different from the Afghanistan we went into in 2001." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030


Russia's "pattern of aggressive behavior is of great concern for all NATO allies." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

👤|@jensstoltenberg. @NATO Secretary General

"We've implemented the biggest reinforcement to our collective defense since the end of the Cold War...Now we have four combat-ready battle groups in eastern Alliance sates, air policing, increased presence in the Baltic & Black Seas & increased readiness." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

"With Russia, we have to be strong but firm but at the same time, we also have to strive for dialogue with Russia to work on issues like arms control. We have a standing invitation for Russia to join NATO-Russia Council." NATO SecGen @jensstoltenberg tells #ACFrontPage. #NATO2030

On Belarus, @jensstoltenberg says, "@NATO allies condemned Belarus's actions...and sends a message to anyone who considers doing something similar that international norms need to be respected." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

At #ACFrontPage, @NATO SecGen says "#NATO2030 is about how we can respond to a more competitive world, including the security consequences of Russia and China."

"We have decided that a cyber attack can trigger Article 5...It doesn't matter if an attack is kinetic or cyber, we will assess as allies when it meets the threshold...and it sends a message that we are cyber allies." @jensstoltenberg at #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

"Climate change matters for our security because it's a crisis multiplier...that affects our security...NATO should be the main platform for addressing the security challenges caused by climate change." #NATO2030 #ACFrontPage with @NATO SecGen @jensstoltenberg

"@NATO allies are increasingly committing to net-zero emissions, meaning we also need to reduce emissions from military operations, to find ways to reconcile operational effectiveness with reducing emissions." #NATO2030 #ACFrontPage

"NATO has 5 arctic nation allies & has always been in the arctic. The melting of the ice, combined with increased Russian military aggression, increases the importance of the Arctic. All of this matters for our security, so @NATO is increasing its focus." #NATO2030 #ACFrontPage

"We have now had 7 consecutive years of increased spending across Europe & Canada...We have some work to do, but part of the #NATO2030 agenda is to invest more together as a force multiplier, to spend not only more but better, together." #ACFrontPage 


NATO SecGen @jensstoltenberg says that "a strong @NATO is good for Europe, but also good for the United States...It's very good to have friends." #ACFrontPage #NATO2030

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