Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jun 9, 2021, 15 tweets

Levels of Trump supporters Thread 1/

I will be doing a series of threads on GOP and Trump supporters. This is the intro thread. Let us look at TYPES of Trump supporters and voters first, before we examine his cult in more detail.

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 2/

Think of Trump supporters as a series of concentric circles. So one circle inside the next

(Oh, T Dawg! You didn't warn us that there's going to be math! Is this going to be on the test?)

Only a LITTLE bit of geometry. No calculus :-)

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 3/

The outermost circle are people who gave Trump a vote, but did not vote 'for' Trump. Some voted against Hillary or against Joe. Some vote straight Republican ticket, and some even - yes this happens - flipped a coin.

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 4/

So understand, not all who voted for Trump are Trump supporters.

Of Trump supporters, next circle are conservatives. Not all conservatives are registered Republicans but most Republicans are conservatives. This includes IND who lean conservative

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 5/

There are conservatives who reject Trump, some who have never supported him, others who have turned against Trump. But some conservatives also support Trump to this day. When I talk about Cult45 maganutters, I am not talking about 'conservatives'

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 6/

Inside circle of conservatives, are registered Republicans. Note there are less Republicans than those who consider themselves conservative. Even under normal times (before Trump) there were more conservatives than registered Republicans

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 7/

Not all registered Republicans support Trump (Romney, Liz Cheney). But most Republicans do, even after January 6th. The GOP (Grand Old Party=Republicans) has SHRUNK during Trump years, the party is BLEEDING membership.

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 8/

Those who were members of GOP who loved what Trump was doing, they did not leave. Many who hated what Trump did, had left like say Congressman Kinzinger. This means that the 'maganess' of the GOP has become more concentrated. More like Gym Jordan

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 9/

Trump support among Registered Republicans is somewhere in the 80% range, even after Jan 6. Was near 90% at peak levels. Inside this shrinking party Trump is adored by the base voters & base membership (which is not the same as those in Congress)

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 10/

Inside the registered GOP circle, is #Cult45, the maganutters. This is the cult. I will deal with them in a separate thread

Not ALL Trump voters are conservatives
Not all conservatives are Republicans
Not all Republicans are inside Cult45

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 11/

But Trump loyalists, the #Cult45 maganutters are almost all Registered Republicans, and tend to be conservatives (rather than liberals) and voted for Trump.

The Cult is vast, numbers multiple TENS of MILLIONS of voters. They love Trump

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 12/

#Cult45 is the tightest 'consistent' group inside Trump voters. If we go further, we get SEPARATED branches. The militant wing is the Proud Boys etc who attacked on Jan 6. The abortion nutters on the Christian fringe are a SEPARATE branch.

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 13/

The anti-maskers ie anti-vaxxers ie Rand Paul class morons are one mutated strain of what once was Libertarians. Etc. Inside #Cult45 we cannot go deeper as 'concentric circles' but rather have cliques inside that circle.

Trump Supporter Levels Thread 14/

When we discuss the plight of the Republican party, we need to understand #Cult45 - how it has corrupted and taken over the GOP. And where some former Republicans have fled

The Republican party has experienced a hostile takeover by Trump

I have now added part 2 to this series.

We explore the Cult of Cult45. Enjoy:

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