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Political activist. Swaraj India | Bharat Jodo Abhiyan | मजबूरी में भविष्य बताना पड़ा था, अब फिर भविष्य बनाने की कोशिश में जुट गया हूं।

Jun 9, 2021, 6 tweets

This has become a six monthly joke. Once again the government is trying to pass off a routine and meagre annual increment as historic bonanza to farmers.
This thread explains why the claim is bogus.

Governments table hides the increase in percentage terms.
The annual increment is between 1% (maize, moong) to 5% (tur, urad, groundnut).
Compare this increase to annual inflation in petrol (33%) and diesel (22%) and you know why this MSP increase is actually a reduction.

The claim of offering 50% over the cost of production is bogus.
This table shows what the MSP should have been last year if the government had offered 50% over comprehensive cost(C2) as recommended by swaminathan commission.
(This year C2 cost not released by the govt yet)

The claim of offering 50% over partial cost (A2+ FL) is correct but there is nothing special about it.
The previous government also offered similar margin for most crops, in fact better than the one offer by this one in many cases.

This table shows the correct comparison: average annual increase offered by this and the previous government.
Accept Ragi, Nigerseed and Bajra the annual MSP increment in remaining 11 crops is worse during NDA2 than during UPA 2.

That leaves the last jumala: doubling of farmers income. this article explains why this is the biggest fraud played on the Indian farmers.
6/6 End of thread

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