Matt Müller 🌻🇺🇦🇹🇼 Profile picture
Father, husband, secular humanist, Social Democrat. UofT alum (BA, Hons. + MA). Advocate for Ukraine. Occasional dad/gamer/nerd tweets and Canadian/EU politics.

Jun 9, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ THREAD: I see a lot of Liberals scoff when people rightly claim the NDP were responsible for many of the best aspects of the government's COVID relief benefits (a robust $2K/month CERB, 75% wage subsidy, CESB, $2K/extended CRB, and CRSB paid sick days). So here's the receipts.

2/ March 18, 2020 the Liberals' initial pandemic response was to expand EI access with an Emergency Care Benefit ($1800/month/15 weeks), boost the CCB, a one-time GST rebate, student loan payment deferrals, 10% wage subsidy, and tax deferrals until August.…

3/ March 23: The NDP demanded a 75% wage subsidy instead of 10%, and called for $2K cheques for *every* Canadian adult + $250 for each child (Mar 23). They also called for a mortgage/rent/utilities moratorium, and boosted domestic PPE production.…

4/ Mar 26: Liberals scrap the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit & (vaugely defined) Emergency Support Benefit. Replaced with CERB: $2K/month for 4 months. Eligibility is expanded to those who qualify for EI, but many people are still left out.…

5/ April 11: Jagmeet Singh calls for the government to remove eligibility criteria and make CERB universal. Singh notes that he is already negotiating with PM to close gaps in government support eligibility.…

6/ April 29: Under pressure from NDP and student organizations, the Liberals create the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB). As reported, NDP ensured CESB was also boosted to $2K/month for students with disabilities and/or children.…

7/ September 23: Singh demands the newly announced Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) be boosted from $1800 to $2K/month to match the phased-out CERB. He also demands concrete legislation on national paid sick days. Both are conditions for NDP confidence support of the throne speech.

7/ October 06: The throne speech passes with NDP support, only after Trudeau acquiesced to Jagmeet Singh's demands that the new Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) be boosted to $2000/month and the government legislate paid sick days.

7.5/* Amendment: the Liberals initial proposed CRB rate was actually only $1600/month ($400/week). Sept 24 it was reported Liberals agreed to boost the CRB rate to $2000/month ($500/week) as a condition of NDP confidence support for the throne speech.…

9/ Aug 14, 2020: NDP gets motion passed for $2 billion in federal transfers to provinces for child care. Singh also demands an extra $10B over 4 years for national, universal childcare. By #Budget2021 Liberals acquiesced, expanding the initial NDP proposal into $30B over 5 years.

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