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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Jun 10, 2021, 9 tweets

Today's #EuropeBigWet report has a twist in it. The arrival of a new element in the model forecasts, a zippy little storm that looks a bit cyclonic heading towards the UK.

Today's update follows.

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Here's a view from this morning.

These four satellite still images are taken at around the same time and show the picture before the heat of the day started heating up the storms.

And here's a view from this evening, which is almost identical to yesterday evening.

And our 48-Hour water forecasts, from four models are also very similar to yesterdays. Lots of rain.

Albeit not where I am.

And the long term rain outlook remains the same. Lots more rain going forward.

So far so good. But there is now a new ingredient in all this a whizzy little Atlantic Storm which could well shake things up in a few days time.

Its the second of the two storms you see in this animation. Which as you can see has some tightly packed isobars and the look of a cyclonic about it.

And here's a view of it under the hood. Doing a great job of pushing a lot of the water that is currently sitting over Europe away.

Here's a view from a perspective to the right. Some of could get quite gnarly.

1. Before the storms arrive a blast of dry cold air comes in across Norway, and rain when it collides with warm air.

2. This looks more windy to me. And still very wet.

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