Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Jun 13, 2021, 10 tweets

This seems to be it. A great moment in Democracy. No idea what is going on but it looks like it’s going according to good order.

#Knesset votes to replace #netanyahu #likud Govt.

@naftalibennett talking to a full house.

Unfortunately it’s clashing with a @BorisJohnson press conference. But I doubt anyone would be carrying it live outside of Israel regardless.

Seems to be super dramatic as @naftalibennett speaks with lots,of he king and people being kicked out for breaking rules.

You can watch it live on @facebook here with a partial translation, via @i24NEWS_EN…

@netanyahu is speaking now.

“… they do not want… and they are not capable of standing up to the United States.” @netanyahu’s last stand is to claim that America has betrayed Israel in the past and might do so again. Citing FDR refusing to bomb the Holocaust gas chambers as evidence.

At his close @netanyahu has returned to accusing PM designate @naftalibennett of electoral fraud, not via vote count, but by going against promises made to voters.

And now he’s accusing the new coalition of planning to past “North Korea” like fascist laws to prevent him from returning to power, in the process illustrating why he is about to lose it.

Bibi looks pretty pleased with himself. The coalition parties will now speak which will take a while. Followed by the vote. @yairlapid hardly said anything, letting the disorder of the Knesset speak for itself.

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