찌 G 跻 じ MBA, CFA, FRM, CFP, NGMI, HFSP, HENTAI 🛡️ Profile picture
Former Degenerate Spartan Private Crypto Fund Manager Quoted in CoinDesk & Cointelegraph Psyops Special Forces Reformed Hentai Addict Reinstated @egirl_capital

Jun 15, 2021, 8 tweets

one of the reasons why i was drawn to crypto is because it was (and still largely is) a very overlooked strategy for wealth accumulation that i had assessed to have "generational once in a lifetime" opportunities because of the extremely broken risk/reward skew

in a similar train of thought

one of the reasons why i play the markets the way i do with stables and long-only crypto (i rarely short) is because i think its the best r/r strategy for wealth accumulation, especially if you live probabilistically and are playing across time

why do i say "probabilistically"?

because "no one knows what will happen", but if you're experienced and in deep enough, you have significantly better odds of "guessing" how things pan out

you want to be able to profit in any of the most likely outcomes and ignore the rest

even if the current "true" path of the future is divergent from your current path


which is why you need to constantly know where you are heading, and where the rest of the world is heading

you cant change the wind, but you can adjust your sails

the odds that your 1 strategy is the best strategy ever and requires no calibrations or considerations to external factors is laughably retarded af

and imo, it is also borderline malicious if you extol it to others without considerations of their circumstances and abilities

what do i mean by "playing across time"

like in chess, most people play in series - 1 move, evaluate, next move. basically IFTTT if this then that

but you would actually want to be setting yourself up several moves in advance - losing a piece now is actually strategically fine

simplified, the primary objective (for me) is to own a fuck ton (yes, even more) of coins (yes, not USD), and therefore you advance forward

but by advancing on fronts tactically, it doesn't matter if you lose certain battles if it simply just sets you up to win the entire war

a lot of people are playing the "make it, then fk off and retire" game, and there's nothing wrong with that dream

personally, i just want to own as many coins as i can - for fun

i have always viewed crypto as a 24/7 365 money MMORPG - it's immensely fun if you don't suck at it

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