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Jun 15, 2021, 13 tweets

Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older adults suffered some form of abuse last year

Let’s #StopElderAbuse


What is elder abuse ⁉️

Elder abuse can take a number of forms:
☑️ Physical
☑️ Sexual
☑️ Psychological
☑️ Financial
☑️ Abandonment and neglect
☑️ Loss of dignity and respect



Elder abuse can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences such as depression or anxiety.

Victims of elder abuse are 2⃣ times more likely to die prematurely.



Risk factors that may increase the potential for abuse of an older person can be identified at different levels:

🔹relationship community
🔹socio-cultural levels.

Elder abuse can happen to anyone in the 🌍



The abuse of older adults occurs all too frequently but remains a largely hidden problem.

Only 4% of cases are reported.



Rates of elder abuse are 📈 higher in institutions such as nursing homes 🏥 and long-term care facilities.

2 in 3 staff 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ reported that they have committed abuse in the past year.



There are many reasons why caregivers or family members perpetrate elder abuse:

🔹Alcohol and drug abuse
🔹High-stress levels
🔹Lack of social support
🔹Lack of training
🔹Emotional or financial dependence



Elder abuse cases have increased by 8⃣4⃣ % during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Elder abuse is predicted to increase in the 🌍 as many countries are experiencing rapidly aging populations.

In 2050 around 320 million people 👴👵 could be victims of elder abuse if the numbers remain constant.



Here are 5⃣ measures governments around the 🌏 and the health sector can take to #StopElderAbuse 👇

Remaining active and engaged in society is 🗝️ for older people's health


In Singapore 🇸🇬 older people benefit from community services that can include activities and programs such as:

✅ social time with peers at senior activity centres
✅ therapeutic gardens
✅ online classes


We should all keep in regular contact with caregivers of older members of our family and older friends, during #COVID19 and beyond, to prevent their social isolation

For more advice on older people and #COVID19 check 👉

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