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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckFarage #FuckTrump

Jun 16, 2021, 6 tweets

Five years ago today, Jo Cox MP was murdered by a racist shouting "Britain First".

Yesterday, @BBC journalist Nick Watt was harassed & abused.

Politicians, the press & TV & radio presenters MUST #STOP using divisive, provocative & inflammatory populist nationalist rhetoric.

Mair was a #racist, radicalized by the Far-Right, persuaded that white people were being erased.

But his greatest obsession & deepest bitterness was over those white people whom he condemned as “the collaborators”: the liberals, the left & the media - in other words, the "WOKE".

The 'culture war' is not merely an argument between 'two sides' about Britain's future: it's a deliberately divisive, antagonistic, & extremely dangerous political strategy that mobilses polarizing rhetoric to radicalize millions of people, with sometimes deadly consequences.

Let's ALL try to avoid demonizing & negatively stereotyping groups we disagree with.

People supporting trans rights or taking the knee aren't necessarily "woke", just as expressing concern about aspects of Self-ID or taking the knee aren't necessarily transphobic or racist.

The @BBC & the @nationaltrust aren't "anti-British" or "cultural Marxists".

It's alarming that journalists, pundits & MPs (including Govt Ministers) have used this dangerous rhetoric: 'cultural Marxism' is the far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory that inspired Anders Breivik.

Let's #NeverForget that according to the eyewitness, as Mair killed Jo Cox, he said: “Britain first, keep Britain independent, Britain will always come first", before finally yelling “This is for Britain.”

Patriotism is fine.

Populist nationalist rhetoric is NOT: it MUST #STOP.

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