Scott Berkun Profile picture
Author and speaker. Books: How Design Makes The World, The Myths of Innovation, Making Things Happen & The Year Without Pants.

Jun 16, 2021, 7 tweets

1. All of the ideas in How Design Makes The World are encapsulated in these four questions every product team should ask regularly. #design #ux #designmtw

2. Many projects have requirements, schedules and cool ideas, but forget to focus on improving something specific for real people. Or get lost along the way.

Good teams refresh the real goals often, like a lighthouse.

3. We're all prone to forgetting our biases and designing for ourselves.

If we don't go out of our way to study our customer's real needs, and how they differ from our own, we will fail them and possibly not even know until it's too late.

4. Everyone wants to succeed, but how to *ensure* it? It's not easy.

Experts like user researchers and UX designers, and the methods they use, are the best ways we have to improve the odds projects succeed at making good things for people.

5. We all know tech stories of unintended consequences (e.g. social media and misinformation, cars and gridlock traffic).

To make something truly good means thinking about how it can be manipulated or how 'success' can create new problems. Design for the next generation.

6. The book has 20 short chapters filled with stories and easy lessons. Each chapter maps to one of the questions.

This helps your entire team easily understand the role they play in enabling or preventing truly good design. #designmtw

7. Free chapters from How Design Makes the World, plus reviews, a short film and more are all here: #designmtw

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