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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Jun 16, 2021, 9 tweets

#SeditionHunters - turns out Rohrabacher wasn’t the only ex-Congressman at the Capitol on Jan 6! 1-term Michigan Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R MI-11) admits to being INSIDE, said he was visited by FBI. Former Army, seems a nutcase but one with special access 1/…

h/t @MichiganTea for flagging it.

Posted today (6/16) after FBI visit: “I went to DC on Jan 4. On the 5th I visited several members of Congress. As a former member I do not go through the same security protocols as regular folks...” 2/

"On the 6th I went [in]l to watch the historic vote. I have a right, as a former member, to be on the floor...” FB pics suggest he was inside the Capitol & on the E. Plaza very early, before action began. During the attack he's on the W. side but selfie is on legal grounds. 3/

His Jan 6 post does have odd tone changes: “Everyone I met was smiling and happy… If they rioted as the lying left wing communists and main stream propaganda communist news networks want you to believe DC would be burning and bodies would fill the morgue…” 4/

Bentivolio’s bitter, resentful: lost his seat in the 2014 primary & has been running unsuccessfully ever since. In 2019 planned a doc to "detail the...lengths of corruption made by the Washington establishment to destroy the man’s life and career." 5/…

Resentment shows up in his social media (below is 2020). Tangled backstory: 40 years in Army / National Guard, varied employment, public spat w/ brother in 2012 where both accused each other of being mentally ill (MLive). Just glad that FBI is on it. 6/…

All credit here to @MichiganTea for keeping a sharp eye on MI events and @BetoAngelMommas and @OSINTyeti for fast research. 7/

And flagging a note by @capitolfaces that Bentivolio picked an interesting set of photo angles to post on 1/6 AM. Note that he won't get an "Iam" hashtag immediately since he may technically be legal but given FBI's interest that may be resolved soon. 8/

Clarifying that Bentivolio's Jan 6 FB photos of the E Capitol were posted between 10:35-11:09 AM Eastern. That's around the time that Proud Boys & others are at the E. Capitol signing a "Declaration of Authority" justifying insurrection. Will post update with more exact time. 9/

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