Connecting the Dots (... to Disruptions) Profile picture
Great minds think alike, but (blessing or curse) I think different👽Engineer/Disruptions Analyst⚡CoOwner of Tesla🚀🔴

Jun 16, 2021, 10 tweets


My favorite professor during my undergraduate studies in Aerospace-Engineering was an extremely old Serbian gentleman who taught us 1st year Physics (Electricity).

He seemed a million years old. From another era.

90% of the students enrolled to another professor - a young hotshot that wrote a textbook on the topic and taught how to pass the exam.

They said the oldtimer "wasted time telling stories".

My friend and I stayed with the old professor exactly for these stories.

Example story:
One day he came to class wearing a sweater - pretty weird during springtime.

He stood with a mischievous smile on his face and told us since topic was static electricity, he came equipped for an experiment

He then rubbed film on his tummy, happy like a child

Another story (next one will be Tesla😋) was that when he was 5yo he had his 1st experiment with electricity:

He stuck a nail into the socket and learned that electricity is dangerous

He also learned something unique to him- why his entire block was in blackout for 3 days😂

He also told us how when he was a student, they collected funds several times, to pass money to their compatriot Nikola Tesla, who was pennyless abroad

He said Tesla's name with awe, used his inventions in several topics we learned, taught us a lot about him and swept us all.

Exam that year was different, and we had to THINK.

But we knew how to tackle the subject, so I scored 100 and so did my friend

Most of our group scored higher than those studying with the hotshot equations guy

Several years later I still visited him whenever work brought me to the U

Mostly we talked engineering and physics. He was older than the moon but as curious as a child

Last time I saw him he told me he doesn't actively teach anymore, "the students say he tells stories instead of teaching"

Tha fools.

I told him "They just want to pass the exam for that semester. You taught us to love science, so we can pass exams all our life"

It was true - he taught us that physics is FUN, and that the key to ace it is to keep curious, to always search for the hows and whys

This had a huge impact on my engineering career ever since
A couple of years later he passed away.
I will never forget this wonderful man💜

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