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Jun 17, 2021, 10 tweets

#BREAKING Hong Kong police raid pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, arrest five executives: police

#UPDATE Hong Kong police have raided the offices of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily and arrested five executives under the city's national security law, including its chief editor Ryan Law

Cheung Kim Hung, CEO and Executive Director of Next Digital Ltd which owns Apple Daily, is escorted by police into the newspaper offices in Hong Kong.

The paper broadcast live footage on its Facebook account of the police raid on the newsroom

📸 Anthony Wallace

VIDEO: Hong Kong police raid pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily

Hong Kong police surround the offices of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily after arresting five of its executives under the city's national security law, including chief editor Ryan Law

#BREAKING Hong Kong police say HK$18m (US$2.3m) in Apple Daily assets frozen under security law

#UPDATE More than 500 police executed a dawn raid on Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily. Police say the raid was sparked by news articles "appealing for sanctions" against Hong Kong and China's leaders

📸 Apple Daily editor-in-chief Ryan Law is detained

#BREAKING Apple Daily says Hong Kong press freedom 'hanging by a thread' after police raid

#UPDATE Apple Daily warns Hong Kong's press freedoms are "hanging by a thread".

Pro-democracy paper vows to "stand tall" after hundreds of police raid newsroom, remove computers and arrest chief editor and executives under new national security law

#BREAKING UK says China 'targeting dissenting voices' in Hong Kong: foreign minister

#UPDATE UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab on Thursday said China was using security legislation to "target dissenting voices" in Hong Kong after arrests at the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily

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