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COVID19 in Ohio - both the state-published data, and the real life stories that data represents. Data is from Ohio's COVID19 website: https://t.co/UCZWXGcsb4

Jun 17, 2021, 8 tweets

Cases, of course, continue to fall, with ~239 total cases reported per day over the last 14 days, which equates to just 2.71 cases per county per day.

We're down to just 878 confirmed cases over the last 7 days - which equates to just 125 cases **for the whole state** per day, and 1.42 confirmed cases per county per day.

Our 'probable' cases remain proportionally high, even with a higher number of reported cases today. Interestingly - for whatever reason we have returned to having a more significant number of reported cases occurring greater than 2 weeks ago.

Lately, we had few cases reported outside of the previous 2 weeks (and in fact, for some time had more cases assigned in the previous 14 days that were reported in the last 24 hours.

'Cuz, Ohio. We do magic math. That's how we roll.

The Big V's had a pretty big boost over the last few days in particular, but when averaged over a full week to minimize reporting artifacts, we are still exceptionally low.

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