Dominic Cummings Profile picture
peace abroad, regime change at home / maths circles / systems politics / worked at Klute nightclub

Jun 18, 2021, 9 tweets

1/ Pundit babble pollutes understanding & MP/official incentives. Want to improve your understanding of politics? Stop reading these pundit babblers. They don't understand political communication, never mind *how power actually works in SW1*. Typical e.g - overconfident + wrong

2/ Watch how all the drone-babblers today suddenly have 'explanations' for what they can't predict. It's all bullshit, all the way down. If you want to get anything big done in politics you must learn to tune out the noisy hum of the drones...

3/ Wait for it... The Clown Prince himself, the epistemological Godfather of the lobby, will doubtless soon be 'explaining' electoral geography. If you rely on pundit-drones to 'explain' SW1 you are doomed to follow the ephemeral emotional waves of the lobby's constant hysteria

4/ Here we go the Clown Prince speaks... 'realignment is a fantasy'! Nonsensical use of 'strategic' & multiple errors in 1 sentence. There's literally *a BIG realignment* in UK/US over years which is why e.g pollsters now must do as Vote Leave did in 2016 & *weight by education*

5/ Remember how many drones said 'haha calling multiple votes to force a GE, no chance, No10 clueless, Grieve genius' thro autumn 19. If you believed the drones, what happened was a v big shock - & you'd keep being shocked... They won't change, all you can do is tune noise out

6/ How rubbish are the drone-pundits at politics/communication? The 'top people' are so clueless at last election they thought an interview THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN was a big deal!! Clue: interviews that actually exist are almost never a big deal...

7/ Pundits: not doing ANeil 'a huge campaign blunder'
Me: why the fu*k wd be put a gaffe machine clueless about policy & government up to be grilled for ages, upside=0 for what?! This is not a hard decision...
Pundits don't understand comms, power or management. Tune out!

8/ Rentool: so crap. If you pay for babble, if you see Cadwalladr/MHyde/Hodges etc as 'political commentators' rather than 'middlebrow entertainment', then you're supporting the grotesque ecosystem. Don't pay for noise, don't click on MSM pundits. Instead read e.g Scott Alexander

9/ Scott Sumner, expert on NGDP targeting, summed it up: NYT/Guardian/FT/Economist/MSM pundit ecosystem is *middlebrow who think they're highbrow* - constant bafflement is inevitable... 'at least I know highbrow when I read it', #MeToo

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